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The shrinking process went smoothly, you ended up 4 inch tall, you were placed inside an aquarium and a carrier took you over to Clementine’s home.

She opened the door, thanked the carrier and took you in, placed you at a table, she was wearing casual clothes, an orange thin sweater and jeans, she looked a bit different without all the makeup but still beautiful, she smiled and sat down, “so how was it? Are you ok? Did the shrinking and shipping were ok?”

“Yes, thank you”, you were thrilled, looking around, how everything is huge compared to you, but you felt safe in that aquarium.

“Awesome, happy you are here, sorry about the apartment I know it’s not much, government attorneys doesn’t make much”

“It’s ok, it’s far better than where I came from”

“Of course, sorry”, she sat down and started caressing her feet, she was wearing green socks, making a painful face, making a quiet pain moan.

“Are you ok?” You asked in a worrying tone.

“It’s just my feet, they are killing me, walking around in those heels all day. Ugh”, she made an annoyed face and started pressing on different spots.

“Oh, sorry to hear it”, you didn’t know what to say.

She looked at you smiling, “thanks”.

After a short embarrassing silence, she said

“I thought you might help me with it while you’re here, paying back your debt to society and all that, we will have to explain the parole committee why you are rehabilitated”

“Ah”, you were surprised, “well of.. of course, but how can I help?” You were blushing, just the thought of being close to her soft beautiful skin made a bump in your underwear.

She looked up, thinking, “hmm, you know, massaging my feet, especially after long days at work, that can help a lot”

You immediately blushed all red, “I.. I can try, yes, you want to place a foot in the aquarium? How does it work”, you mumbled and stuttered, heart pounding fast.

She laughed, “you are so funny”, she bent towards the aquarium, opened it from above, then sent her hand and grabbed you, you panicked at first but you didn’t fight it, then she placed you at the table.

You looked around, surprised you were out of the aquarium, you were sure you were going to stay inside for the whole year.

“What is it?” She asked, looking at you confused.

“Oh it’s nothing”, you quickly said, scratching your head in embarrassment, still blushing, trying to hide your forming boner.

“You weren’t thinking you were going to stay inside the whole time right? It’s not jail, we are working together to rehabilitate you”

“Of course, yes”, you nodded nervously.

She nodded too and smiled, she placed her feet on the table, then started removing the socks, exposing a colossal yet most beautiful pair of  feet you’ve ever seen, the smell hit your nose, it was definitely strong but you didn’t care, your eyes were tearing and you weren’t sure if it’s from being excited or because the salty smell burns them, you approached, they were relatively clean, just a few green lints and sweat, you started pushing her soft sole with your hands, trying to go in different spots and push hard, your hands slipped on her sweat and you couldn’t make a significant impact, but your boner now was fully stretched, you couldn’t believe this heaven, you really wanted to kiss them, thanking her for saving you from jail, but thought it’s highly inappropriate.

“Get your whole body into it, I need to feel it, we will get you in shape Mathieu”, she said and laughed.

You smiled, then threw your entire body at her arch, pushing it hard with your entire body, making straining noises.

“Oh, that’s the spot”, she moaned in satisfaction, you liked it, “good job Mathieu, keep going while I’m working on my laptop ok? Just going over some files”, she grabbed her laptop and brought it to her lap, “and harder”, she added as she opened the screen, it felt more of a command than a suggestion, it felt a bit weird, but you continued.

In maybe 5 minutes you were completely exhausted, the boner and excitement were slowly fading, you laid on her foot and started breathing hard, trying to adjust your oxygen level, you thought you were about to faint.

“All good back there?” Her voice boomed from behind her laptop.

“*Heavy breathings*, I’m.. just.. exhausted..”

She placed the laptop next to her, “exhausted? Heh, it’s been only a few minutes”

You laid on your back, “I’m sorry”, you said and continued breathing.

“Ok, I get it, Mathieu we need to have a talk”, her friendly attitude was gone, she now talked in a strict confident tone, like she talked to that officer yesterday, she pulled her feet and placed them on the floor, closing her laptop.

“I’m getting the impression that you thought ‘Shrunken Custody’ is a summer camp of sorts”

You slowly started sitting, the last thing you want is for her to be angry, still adjusting your breathes, “it’s not that Clemen-“

“You are here to work, and work hard, prove that you are ready to return to society, it might not be jail but it doesn’t mean you can slack around so provocatively”, she lectured you, looking at you assertively.

“Wait, but you know I’m innocent right?” You tried to somehow defend yourself.

“Of course I do, but it doesn’t change the fact the government trust me to rehabilitate you, you must work and make an impact while you’re here, otherwise we’re in a big problem, I’m making sure you realize that”

You gulped, you really didn’t understand it that way, you thought you were doing her a favor just now.

“Ok now, so get back to work”, she commanded, laid back and placed her feet back up, quickly grabbed her laptop and went back to work.

You felt humiliated, but you understood her point, you took a deep breath and continued pushing different spots, moaning in pain, every single muscle in your body was burning now, you don’t know how long it’s been but she gave no signal of being satisfied, you just continued doing that with everything you had in you until you just collapsed next to her sole, you couldn’t even move, just breathing hard and moaning in pain.

Seems like Clementine was focused on her work and didn’t care much about it. She continued tapping on her laptop. You wanted to let her know about your state, but you couldn’t move your hands to scratch her heel.

After a while Clementine yawned and stretched, closing and placing her laptop at the side, then pulled her feet.

“Seriously, you are sleeping?” She was irritated now.

You barely moved your head, trying to explain yourself, but she grabbed you.

“Look, Mathieu, I’m really sorry about it but you left me no choice, I’ll have to inflict an educational punishment now”

You didn’t even know what it meant, but it scared you.

She started raising her orange sweater, she had a white tank top beneath it, “Get your tongue out”, she commanded, you opened your mouth and got your tongue out, moaning miserably from how aching your whole body is, she raised her other hand and started shoving your face inside her sweaty armpit, dragging you around like you were some sort of tiny deodorant, her shaved hair scratched your tongue, and tons of her armpit’s sweat entered your eyes, nose, and mouth, you couldn’t even squirm properly, your reflexes made you to jump in her hand from time to time, but you were mainly in shock.

You couldn’t believe it’s happening, and you couldn’t believe Clementine is doing this to you, you really worked as hard as you can, literally, you massaged her feet until your last drop of energy and fatigue.

When she was finally done, she threw you inside the aquarium, the hit was hard and you couldn’t even use your hands to protect your head, a splatter of her armpit sweat flew around as you hit the aquarium floor, you just miserably moaned again, coughing out her vile armpit sweat.

“I was easy on you today”, she said in an arrogant tone, looking at you from above, “I hope you understand I’m doing this to help you”, she sighed and fixed her sweater, “as for food and water until tomorrow - you have my armpit sweat, ration it”, she said and then stretched again, yawning loudly with an open mouth, then scratching her ass.

She casually walked out of the salon and left you there like that, inside a pulp of sweat, barely able to move.

You didn’t understand any of it, why were you being punished, why the punishment was so weird and intimate, and where all her friendly vibe was gone.

But you had no fatigue to keep dwelling on it, you slowly closed your eyes and fell asleep.


End of part 2



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