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You were confused and terrified, it was pitch black, you were inside some kind of a structure, you don’t remember how you got here, yesterday you were on a date with Sapir, a beautiful brunette you met on Tinder, all you remember is that you felt dizzy and sick, she suggested that you come with her outside, the next moment you wake up here.

“Hey?” Someone whispered in a shaky voice, “is anyone there?”

“Yes”, you replied and rubbed your eyes.

“Do you know where we are?”

“No, sorry”

“Everything was shaky earlier”

“We are shrunken”, a third voice joined the conversation, “some bitch asked me to help her carry her bags to her apartment and drugged me”

“Fuck…” you said, realizing it’s not a structure, you are probably inside some box, your eyes still haven’t adjusted to the dark, there was absolutely no light inside.

“Wh..what.. shrunken?.. oh my god.. oh no.. what are they going to do to us…” the first guy stuttered in a terrified voice.

“Probably sold on the black market, being tamed as slaves or something”, the third guy said and sighed, “how could I be so stupid…” he said in frustration.

Then you heard some giggles from outside, it felt like a huge creature was giggling, you were all quiet and frozen, trying to understand what’s happening.

“So Eden, we all made a surprise for you, you are going to love it”, a voice boomed from outside, you were sure it’s Sapir’s voice.

Then the box started shaking, a terrible sound of a black tape being ripped off from the edges of the box, some light got in and you finally could see the faces of the guys next to you, then you looked behind them and realized you are not the only ones here, you could see at least 10 more guys spreaded inside the box.

The box was being opened, a blinding light, you all covered your eyes with your hands.

“Oh my godddd” a screeching tone, it made your ears hurt, “how did you get so many??? Woww”.

“One will have the honor to be your foot slave”, Sapir explained to Eden casually, and you all freaked out.

“Hey! Fuck you!” The third guy from earlier shouted, you removed your hands from your face and tried to see what’s going on but your eyes weren’t adjusted yet.

“I’m not going to be anyone’s slave you psychopaths!”

The girls giggles, “here goes the first one”, Sapir playfully said, a colossal hand entered the box and picked him up with her fingers like he was nothing, you could finally see the faces above the box, it was Sapir, next to her was a blonde in a white swimsuit, it’s probably Eden.

Sapir opened a wide mouth and held the guy above it, then she released her grip and he fell straight in her mouth. She started playing with her tongue inside, smiling with a closed mouth during the act, all the other girls were laughing, “swallow him!” One of them shouted and laughed.

Then someone handed over a small glass of something alcoholic, Sapir threw her head back and drank the shot, the guy next to you started screaming in fear.

Sapir straightened her head, she had a sore face from the alcohol, you watched her neck, terrified, you followed the bulge going down, you couldn’t believe it’s actually a human being you just talked with a few moments ago and now sliding his way to her stomach.

“Ahhh…” Sapir released a satisfied alcoholic breath inside the box, “anyone else want to protest?”

Everyone was quiet, just looking at her with fear.

“Good, so Eden here is getting married tomorrow”

The girls started clapping and making whoos.

“And one of you will have the honor to be her foot slave for the rest of his life!”

You all started to look at each other, you saw scared, terrified faces, you looked up, Sapir and Eden had huge smiles, the damn brats enjoyed seeing how scared you all are.

“The rest will die of course”, she added casually with a smile, you heard horrified gasps from others inside the box, the guy next to you started crying miserably, “oh don’t be so sad, it’s a bachelorette party, we are here to celebrate!”, she said and all the girls started cheering and making whoos.

A third girl’s face was hovering above the box, smiling, “ok so first we need to see who’s the most fit, a normal running contest”, she picked up the box and went outside, then she flipped the box and you all fell down on some wooden floor.

She stood behind you, you saw Sapir standing in front of you, it felt like she’s standing 100 meters away, you looked around and saw Eden sitting and watching together with the other girls.

“The last one that will kiss Sapir’s foot is getting crushed”, she said from above, everyone were confused but you knew that Sapir is the one standing in front of you, you started running like a mad man towards her foot, then everyone else started running as well, the girls were laughing, a young black skinned guy passed you, he reached Sapir feet and started kissing them, you reached them slowly after him and joined him, kissing her toes, slowly more and more joined you and you were all around her feet.

“Oh, we have a loser”, you raised your head and looked behind you, it looked like someone hit the gap between the parket and fell down, he continued crawling helplessly towards Sapir’s foot.

“Go on Eden, you should do it”, Sapir gestured with her head, playing with her toes while you were all kissing them.

Eden got up, playfully walked towards the poor guy, “Hmm look at him crawling, Sapir he wants to kiss your feet so much”, she said and followed with an hysterical laugh, Eden was the perfect stereotype of a rich spoiled brat.

“Go on, crush him!” Sapir replied, laughing as well.

Eden started dragging her foot next to him, then started raising it up, “hey, maybe you want to beg?” She asked, teasing the poor guy, he flipped over his back, facing her sole, he started crying.

“Please, I don’t know why I’m here, I have a family”, he sobbed, “please don’t kill me”.

The girls started laughing, “oh my god he’s actually begging!” Sapir exclaimed, you couldn’t believe how these girls can be so cruel.

“Sorry but I can’t hear you”, Eden said, lowering her foot and pressing the poor guy, you could see him squirming until her foot engulfed him completely.


The horrible sound of his body being crushed underneath her followed by cheers and laughter by the guests of the party, she raised her foot and you were horrified, a bloody pulp remained, Eden walked and dipped her foot inside the pool, washing off his remains.

“Ok stop kissing poor bugs”, Sapir said and pushed you all with her foot, “time for the next challenge! Eden, lay down on your back”, she instructed, Eden looked at her confused but then did as instructed, “Sivan, you too”, she pointed at one of the girls in the crowd and with a big smile she ran and joined Eden, they both laid on the floor.

“Ok, hands up, expose the armpits, your new slave needs strong big lungs, otherwise how will he survive your terrible foot odor?” Everyone was laughing, she started picking you all up, another girl came to help her, and then she placed you all inside Eden’s and Sivan’s armpit, 3 shrunken guys inside each armpit, it was crowded. You were inside Sivan’s armpit, you already saw how cruel Eden is, you hoped this girl is not as terrible.

“Ok, now close your armpits”

You quickly took a deep breath, a sweaty wall of flesh closed on you from above, vile sweat engulfed you, sticky gravy and warm, you tried to stay calm but you just couldn’t, you started squirming helplessly, so were the others.

“Oh my god they are squirming! It tickles! So hard to keep it closed!” She said and everyone laughed, “Sapir I can’t! How long should we do it!”

You couldn’t hear anyone else, Sivan's voice was humming from inside the armpit. It’s getting too long now, hard not to breathe, “oops!” You heard Sivan exclaims and the armpit was finally being opened, you quickly got on all fours and started coughing out sweat. The other two did the same.

“What are you doing! It’s not the time yet!” Sapir shouted.

“Wait, my muscle flexed, look”, her face was in the direction of the other armpit, Sapir walked and looked from above, she gasped and placed a hand over her mouth.

“They squirm so much, you know I’m ticklish”, Sivan said, defending herself.

“But you crushed them all”, Sapir said.

Eden now opened her hands, “it’s not that bad, you really couldn’t hold it?” She asked and giggled.

“Sorry… can anyone bring me a moisturized tissue or something, their blood is dripping out of my armpit”, the girls laughed and someone handed her over a towel, she started cleaning it and by surprise the armpit closed on you again, you were scared to squirm after hearing what happened to the other group, but the others were squirming, you tried to hold them and make them stop. Shortly after the armpit was being opened again, “lol can anyone take these assholes? I almost just crushed them as well”

Sapir bent down and picked you up, another girl started picking up the other shrinkies from Eden’s armpits.

“Hey, looks like 2 were suffocated to death inside Eden’s armpit”, she told Sapir, holding bodies in her hand.

“Wow, we actually lost 5 in this challenge, that’s hilarious”, they laughed and got the rest of you on the floor.

“Ok worms, it’s time for the next challenge”

You looked around you, the guy who talked with you inside the box was still there, also the black guy who ran past you in the first challenge, and 4 more guys you haven’t recognized.


End of part 1



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