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You were watering your garden plants and caught the shrinking virus, you had no idea what to do, you tried to go to your house entrance but the grass was so high it was like navigating in some kind of a thick forest.

You were terrified, running inside the grass, you thought that a rodent might find and eat you, or maybe a cat, you ran around, it was getting dark, you’ve found a safe place and made yourself a bed from grass pieces, your lawn became an endless forest you had to somehow survive in.

You hoped to stumble upon someone, anyone, to help you.

It was in the early days of the pandemic, not much was known about it, everyone stayed inside their homes, shrunken slavery was still not a thing and you haven’t even thought about it as you searched for help.


It’s been a long time, and you actually survived, you hunted various bugs for food and you always found drops of water on the grass and other places, but you knew it’s just a matter of time, if you won’t get anyone to help you - you will die at the first rain.

One day while navigating through the grass, you noticed a massive body, a girl, tanning on the grass. You tried to get a better look and realized it’s Emma, your neighbor's daughter, she even babysits your kids every now and then, so somehow you were actually in your neighbor’s lawn now, she might be your savior.

You gulped as you watched her massive hot body spreads across the huge vast landscape of the forest you lives in for the rest couple of weeks, then you thought what would have happened if she made her tanning spot in a different place, perhaps on top of you, or maybe as she walked here - you would have never been able to escape, you would be crushed without her even realizing it, you felt so pathetic and insignificant.

“Emma!” You shouted next to her head, “Emma it’s Peter!”

“Hmm?” She seemed confused, looking around.

“Down here, in the grass, help me!” You jumped and waved.

She slowly looked down, as you had eye contact she gasped and quickly sat back “what???”

As she sat back her feet landed next to you, you jumped in fear afraid of getting crushed by mistake.

“I got the shrinking virus! I need your help!”

“Eww, Mr P? That’s so weird”, she said with a curious face.

“I know, I don’t know how it happened but I got infected, can you please take me to my home?”

“What do you mean I.. touch you? I don’t know I don’t want to get into trouble, what if I get infected too”

Ugh, she is so stupid, you thought to yourself, it was already verified that the virus only affects men, but she is your only hope - so you have to be patient.

“It’s totally ok - you can’t get infected, you can pick me up, just wash your hands afterwards”

“Umm… I don’t know, you are kinda dirty”, she made a disgusted face, “hey, maybe you can help me with something?”

You couldn’t believe she is the one asking for help right now, “yes, what is it?” You tried to stay patient, but inside you started getting mad.

She brought her foot closer to you, “I think there’s a thorn or something stuck here, it’s bugging me and I couldn’t pull it out, I think you are just the size to help”, she giggled.

You sighed, “ok, but can you please help me afterwards?”

“Yeah sure”, she got her foot closer to you, “I think it’s around here beneath the toes”, she pointed at the ball of her foot.

You started looking, caressing her foot with your hands, cleaning off grass pieces that were stuck there, trying to understand where the thorn is.

It was a hot day, and her feet were sweaty, the smell was disgusting and slowly your hands were soaked in her foot sweat, it was a gravy thick fluid, it was sticky and you couldn’t get it off, the vile stench burned your nose and eyes.

You finally found the thorn, you grabbed it with both hands and placed your feet at her sole, pulling it with all of your force, *SNAP* it came off and you fell to the ground with it.

“Ouch!” She exclaimed, “that stings”, she made a cute sad face.

“But it’s out, here, I got it”, you waved proudly with the thorn in your hand, she started caressing the ball of her foot.

“Yes but can you put some of your saliva where it was? I would do that myself but I can’t reach it with my mouth”, she asked kindly.

“Emma… I’m not sure it’s appropriate”, you hesitated.

“I won’t tell your wife or anything, don’t worry, just a few licks and I’ll take you to her, pleeease?” She made a gentle cute face as she asked you to do it.

You looked at her and looked at her foot, well, if that’s what you need to do to get home, so be it, you approached the small red dot she had from the thorn, you grabbed the sides with your hands and gave it a lick with your tongue, “is that ok?”

“Mmm yes, it’s really soothing, continue”

You continued licking the area, at first you tried to let her foot sweat drop from your mouth after licking but eventually you had no other choice but to swallow it, the whole act was humiliating and degrading, you hoped no one would ever know it happened.

“Ok thanks, I’ll go home to bring a tissue so I can pick you up ok?”

You pulled your face from her sole, looked up and nodded, glad it’s finally over.

She stood up, towering above you, you couldn’t digest that you are so small, like a small bug next to her foot, you looked up and you couldn’t even see her face from how far it was. She quickly walked inside the house, her steps shaking the ground around you, you were insignificant.

She went out with a tissue in her hand, she started looking for you, she looked confused.

“Mr P?..” she asked and looked in a different direction.

“Emma, I'm here! Look here!” You jumped and waved, trying to flatten the grass that is between you and her.

She took steps in another direction, “was it here? Mr P? Come on, stop hiding”

You were so mad right now, you felt like she’s the dumbest person on earth, you continued flattening the grass and calling to her.

“Ah wait, I know”, she turned back to your direction and took a few steps, you panicked and shouted up at her, her foot hovered above you and *CRACK*, smashed you into the ground, almost every single bone in your body was broken, you got stuck to her sole.

“Oh what was that, another thorn?” She grabbed her foot up and looked at you, “oh my god, Mr P?”

You barely could move your arm, you were splattered on her foot, surrounded by blood, the only reason you didn’t die was because the ground was soft. You tried to talk but you just couldn’t.

“Oh no, I can’t believe I stepped on you, that’s gross”, she said and exclaimed, “so disgusting, eww, I’m so sorry! I think you kinda broke”

“Ah..mm…” you tried to call her, ask her to take you home or something, help you somehow, but even your jaw was broken.

“That’s terrible but I think you are dying, I’m going to deliver you out of your misery ok Mr P? So sorry, but you should have watched where you are going, I don’t think it’s my fault, I mean… I’m clumsy”, she mumbled, explaining casually why it’s not her fault.

She lowered her foot back to the ground, squished you in it, then she started twisting her foot like she is putting off a cigarette, crack by crack, your entire body ripped apart, she then used the tissue she brought to clean you off her foot.

Then she let off a giggle, thinking just how unbelievably pathetic you just died, “this shrinking virus is actually funny”, she said quietly as she threw the tissue in your own house’s garbage bin.


I love the model, it’s “Goddess El” (you can find her on twitter).

So there will be more stories with Emma, let’s say she’s just a teenager here. When the pandemic started, it was the first time she felt a tiny licks her foot and felt him being crushed underneath her, she liked it.
