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You were always a fat person, and in the last few years you tried every possible diet. You went vegan for a while, tried fasting, tried Paleo, but nothing worked, you were always tempted to eat sweets and by the end of the diet you were actually gaining fat instead of losing it.

When you crossed the 120kg mark, you were desperate, and started looking for less conservative methods.

Then you read a blog post by a trainer, a “foot sweat” diet, you shrink down and lives only on an athletic girl foot sweat, at first you laughed at how stupid it sounds, but then you kept reading the comments and saw how many people just like you lost a lot of fat.

You’ve read an elaborated comment by someone who used to weigh 130kg and now he’s 60kg, he did the foot sweat diet with a good friend, you had to know more details and you sent him a message.

“Yes, it’s real - but it’s not easy don’t think it’s a shortcut, it was a nightmarish 3 months but it was definitely worth it”

“3 months??? What exactly did you do”

“My best friend helped me, I couldn’t do it without her, she took me to the shrinking center, then every day after her gym practice I licked her feet, ate her foot sweat, she made sure there are no crumbs or anything else I can enjoy at her feet, it’s only foot sweat”

“That sounds really intense 😳”

“Well, it is, it’s disgusting and takes a few weeks to get used to it, but she encouraged me during the whole diet”

“Do you think your friend can help me with this too?”

“Nah, after my diet she said she’s never going to do that again, that it was too demanding, and she was so scared to squish me by accident the whole diet, sorry man.

Do you have any friend who would do that to you? You have to completely trust her”

Only one friend came to mind, Michelle, you know each other for years and you knew for certain she is against shrunken slavery, she volunteers at the local SLM office.

“Maybe, thanks for the help”, you sent him, and then you called Michelle.

You told her about this diet, you sent her the blog post, asking her to help you with this.

“You can’t be serious, it sounds terrible”, she said as she was reading through the post.

“Please, I’ll even pay you for it”

“It’s not that, I don’t want you to pay me, but don’t you think it’s sick? It’s foot slavery in disguise, don’t know who invented this shit but she probably just wanted foot slaves”

“I talked with someone who did it, he cut his weight in half in just 3 months”

“Oh… listen I don’t know, but if it’s so important to you I’m willing to try”.

“Thank you so much, when can we meet at the shrinking center?”

You scheduled, you met there, she asked you over and over again if you are sure about this and you kept insisting that yes.

You paid for it and went through the shrinking process, Michelle went home with you inside an aquarium.

She looked at you with a puzzled face, “I think we should coordinate expectations, what exactly do you expect me to do? Just place my feet in front of you?” She slowly opened the aquarium and placed her hand so you could climb it.

“Hmm, it’s not only that, before every time I lick your feet you must make sure you don’t have any crumbs or edible stuff stuck to your feet, it might ruin the diet”

She giggled, “this is so embarrassing, but ok I’ll do it, what else?”

“Everyone says it’s very intense and I might break before the diet ends, Michelle you have to promise me - no matter how much I beg you to let me out, or feed me with something other than your foot sweat - please don’t do it, I want to leave this house when I’m at most 70kg”

She stopped giggling and made a serious face, “I really don’t want to be in this position… you ask me to be cruel”

“It’s not cruel, you will do it for me, call it harsh love”

“I um… ok.. I promise I’ll do my best but honestly I don’t know if I can stand it, just try not to beg too much I guess”

“Thank you”, you smiled at her and she hesitated but smiled back, “let’s do it then, I’m hungry”, you said and laughed.

She started untying her shoes, she made a worried face, she removed one sock and made a disgusted face as she placed her foot in front of you.

The smell was so bad you were on the verge of vomiting, your smile was completely gone, you placed both hands on your nose and breath from your mouth but it was equally disgusting, you never expected her foot to smell so bad.

“Are you sure it’s ok? It’s disgusting even for me and I’m normal size”, she also grabbed her nose with her fingers.

Your eyes were burning from the horrible smell, but you knew this is it - you can’t give up, you ruined every single diet so far, you must see it through, you left your nose and took a deep breath, then you started coughing loudly, you tried to hold it in so she won’t hear it.

“Oh my god are you sure you are ok?” She pulled her foot away.

You tried to get a hold of your breathing quickly, “yes, yes it’s ok, please place it back”

She hesitated for a moment and made a worried face, but she placed her foot back.

You approached to it with motivation in your eyes, you saw a pouring sweat stream at the arch of her foot, you opened your mouth and started to suck it, then you pulled back and started coughing, you fell to your knees and started vomiting, it was fucking impossible, how could anyone do it.

She pulled her foot again, “oh god, I’m really not comfortable with it, let’s stop”

“Michelle, no, I can do it, I have to do it”


“Just place your foot back!”

She stopped talking and placed her foot back in front of you.

You got up and went to it with your tongue out, you grabbed it with your hands and gave the ball of her foot a long lick, then strained in anger as you pushed her vile foot sweat down your throat, you shoved you head back and licked again, her feet jumped a little causing you to fall back.

“it tickles! Be more gentle, my feet are ticklish”, then she giggled and facepalmed herself, “can’t believe we are doing this”.

You ignored her, struggled to continue licking every drop of sweat you could find, fighting the urge to puke, you are going to win this fucking diet.

15 minutes later you were full, you laid back and smiled, it’s finally over and you actually satisfied your hunger with 0 calories, and all that straining and hard work even burned some, you started to understand and appreciate how this diet works.

“So.. that’s it? I can go shower?” She asked.

“Yes, thank you Michelle, I know it’s weird but I think it actually works”, you smiled at her, placing a hand over your belly.

“Whatever you say, but I honestly think it’s too extreme, I find it hard to believe you’ll be able to live like that for 3 months, it’s crazy”

“I’ll prove it to you”

She shrugged and went to shower, leaving you laying on the table.

She came back after a while with a robe, “want to watch a movie or something?” She suggested.

You ended up watching a new show on Netflix. It was nice, at the end she placed you in the aquarium and went to sleep.

This time she actually flipped the aquarium on it’s side, enabling you to walk out when you want to, you both laughed at why the hell the aquariums are not designed like that in the first place.


The next day Michelle woke up before you and went to her morning jog, when she came back you were already up and waiting for your “breakfast”.

“Hey, good morning, hungry?” She asked and giggled, sitting down, you walked out of the aquarium, “good morning Michele, I hope your feet are sweaty”.

She giggled, “oh god please don’t talk like that, it’s so weird”, she removed her running shoes and socks and placed her feet, you immediately started licking, trying to ignore the horrible smell, it was easier than yesterday, it made you happy, you are getting used to it.

While licking her sweat you noticed a crumb of something stuck to the ball of her foot, you took a few steps back, “Michelle you have a crumb here”, you pointed at it.

“Oh, oops sorry” she bent and flicked it away with her finger, “bread crumbs from my breakfast, won’t happen again”.

“Thanks”, you said and continued swallowing her foot sweat, getting filled up and walking back to the aquarium.


2 months passed like that, both you and Michelle got used to the routine, talking from time to time, you felt like you are losing a lot of weight, you saw stretch marks across your belly, it’s working and it’s actually surpassing any expectation you had, the thing is - you were actually starving.

You licked her feet twice a day, swallowing gallons of foot sweat, her feet were extremely ticklish - so you stayed away from between or beneath her toes, they were like an innocent death trap.

Although her foot sweat filled you up, it was empty calories, you literally ate nothing for 2 months, and you did your best to live in denial and ignore the need for eating something real, but then one evening Michelle sat at the salon after she prepared herself a queen’s dinner.

A steak, rice, wine, salad, it was all laid out on the table together with a huge glass of cold water, she feasted in front of you while talking with you casually, you looked at it with eyes wide open, drooling, the smell was amazing.

“So how is it going? Are you doing ok?” She asked right before a piece of red soft steak entered her mouth, you saw her chewing it and your mouth got filled with saliva, “I’m.. I’m ok”, you said as you stared at her mouth chewing and grinding the piece.

“I have to say I’m surprised, I can’t believe you managed to live like that for so long”, she finished the sentence and started drinking cold water, you started shaking, you wanted it so much.

“I mean, foot sweat, Jesus, I wouldn’t be able to survive one hour”, another bite from the steak, you couldn’t take it anymore.

“Hey Michelle?” You said, hesitated.


“Can I please have one bite from the steak?” You started slowly walking out of the aquarium.

She giggled, “what? You know you can’t have it”

“Just one tiny bite, please”

“I’m sorry, you made me promise I’ll make you eat only foot sweat, tough love, remember?”

“Ugh… so maybe one grain of rice?”

“Stop it”, she started laughing, “don’t do that, you have just one month to go”, she grabbed the glass and started drinking from the cold water again, you gulped as you watched a stream of water dripping from the side of her mouth and over her chin.

“So maybe a few drops of that water, come on

Michelle, I beg you”

“No”, she said in a firm voice, pushing you back to the aquarium with her hand, locking it behind you, “I won’t let you ruin your diet”, she grabbed the plates and went to continue eating at the kitchen, you knew she was right but you were still mad at her.


At the same day at evening she came back from the gym, sat down and pulled her shoes and socks, “I hope you aren’t mad at me after my lunch, I shouldn’t have eaten in front of you”

You nodded, not saying anything, you were still mad at her.

“I did a long training session today so my feet are soaked, just imagine the sweat is steak juice or something”, she suggested and placed her feet in front of you, she didn’t lie - they drenched in sweat.

You started licking around the heel, her foot sweat dripped on you from above, you just swallowed it and slowly licked upwards, as you stopped around the ball of her foot, you thought about continuing to the area of her toes, just to take a peek.

Then you saw it, a grain of rice, stuck between her third and fourth toe, you drooled, but it was too high for you to reach with your mouth, you wanted it so much, you tried to reach it with your hand but it was too far, you thought about climbing but then decided that it’s too dangerous, defeatedly you continued licking foot sweat at the rest of her feet, thought you might find something edible but you didn't, eventually you just walked to your aquarium without saying anything, looked like it disappointed Michelle, made her hungry that you aren’t talking.

“You know I’m doing this for you right? I gave you my word I’ll help you and you are making scenes now just because I didn’t let you ruin your diet? That’s kind of an ungrateful behaviour you know”

You sat down in your aquarium, turning your back to her, you scoffed.

“Seriously? Whatever, you are being a dick”, she said in anger and went to shower and sleep.


The next morning as she came back from her jog she placed her feet outside the aquarium, laying on the side, “you don’t deserve it, but here is your breakfast”, she said in a cold tone.

You walked out of the aquarium, not looking her in the eyes, and started licking the sweat away, at some point you reached the toe section again - and miraculously it was still there, the grain of rice, and this time you could reach it.

You hesitated for a moment, you stood up and looked at her, she was focused deep on her phone, it’s probably your chance, just has to be careful…

You started getting close to the grain with your head, gently pushing your face between her toes, you grabbed the grain with your mouth, you gently tried to pull it but it was stuck, glued to her skin from the sweat or something.

You pulled a bit harder but it was still stuck, now you understand how come it didn’t wash off in the shower, you pulled harder, and then you started pulling it with all of your power, it ripped off her skin and your head started to pull back.

As the grain detached, it tickled Michelle and she scrunched her toes forcefully by instinct.


Your head exploded between her toes, smashed and pulverised like nothing with the grain of rice in your mouth.

“Oh no”, she quickly pulled her foot, “fuck… what the hell was he doing there?!”, she pushed her finger between her toes and pushed your lifeless body out of there, she noticed the grain of rice mixed with your pulverised head.

Michelle rolled her eyes and sighed, “what a goddamn idiot, I should’ve never agreed to this”, she threw you to the garbage and went to wash her feet, she sighed and saddened by how pathetic your life has ended, just like an unlucky bug.


Every time someone shrinks at a shrinking center he signs full responsibility for any kind of accident, so Michelle can not be persecuted in any way, you were just another tiny being squished to death unawarely.



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