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You felt like Tabitha lost any interest in you, she kept spending money like crazy, you saw more and more products being delivered to her doorstep, she bought a very expensive car, and literally anything she ever wanted.

Meanwhile you were starving in your small cage, currently you are 2 days inside with no food or water, every time she walked nearby you desperately banged the bars and called her, but she never gave you any attention for it.

At evening she sat down at the salon, turning on her new QLED 100 inch tv, gasping from how good the image is, then placing both her feet near your cage, you stuck your head between the bars, watching them, you saw sweat marks, dead skin clusters, you stuck your tongue out and pathetically tried to reach it, you wanted to eat something more than anything right now, you didn’t care what.

She didn’t seem to notice, after a while she scratched her feet in one another, you saw debris falling down, you tried to reach it with your hand but it was just too far.

But then she landed her foot near your cage and you could finally reach it with your tongue, you started licking the side of her foot, trying to get something in your stomach.

“Ew, I thought it’s a bug or something”, she said and sighed, “what do you want?”, she asked without any patience.

“Food… please…”, you begged with tears.

Tabitha rolled her eyes, like you were an annoyance, she opened your cage with her toes and then just placed her foot back, she turned back watching TV.

You stormed out of the cage, started licking her feet, swallowing foot sweat and dead skin like a starved animal, you started crying while you did it, kissing her foot in gratitude, you were in euphoria just from realizing you aren’t going to starve to death.

You climbed and shoved your head between her toes, chewing on her toe jam and grime.

She shook her foot, making you fall down, “enough already, crawl back to your cage, pathetic worm”.

“No, please, goddess I beg you, I must eat more”

*THUD* she slammed her heel at the table, giving you an intimidating look, you quickly ran back to your cage.

You watched her feet from the cage, you wanted more… you didn’t understand why won’t she let you, it requires nothing from her, then her toes closed the cage, she kicked it afterwards, making you slide all across the table and fall down on the floor, you got bruised all across your body, you started moaning in pain and slowly get up, you could die now, and she kept watching TV not even checking on you.

Then you noticed that the cage’s door broke, it might be your chance. You painfully crawled out, then started crawling to the entrance, from time to time you looked back to make sure she is still focused on watching tv.

You barely caught any distance, and it took you so long, after crawling like that for 1 meter you just collapsed, breathing heavily on the ground.

At some point Tabitha got up from the couch and started walking in the house, talking with a friend on the phone, convincing her to join her for a new vacation.

“Don’t worry, I got you covered, I’ll pay for you”, she suggested and giggled.

“Please, I insist, don’t worry about it, it’s just a cruise”.

She walked near you and her foot pressed the floor just in front of you, you just covered your head miserably and embraced for being crushed by her foot, you thought of being crushed unaware by her, how symbolic it will be, after everything you’ve done for her she is going to casually crush you while talking on her phone like you were completely nothing. She always took you for granted, ever since you met her for the first time.

She finally finished talking on her phone, you were so terrified, you didn’t even listen to her conversation and if her friend was convinced to join her. Tabitha sighed and walked back near the salon’s table.

“What’s this?” She said and bent down, lifting up your empty cage, “oh, it broke”, she started looking around, perhaps trying to find you, you couldn’t move or even call to her, you were just miserable, laying on the cold floor.

She approached and sat down in front of you, you barely moved your head to see her face, for a moment you thought you saw pity in her eyes, like you are so pathetic it’s just saddened her.

She started reaching her foot towards you, “go on, give it a kiss and thank me for the amazing life you had”, she said in a soft tone.

“P..please…” you stammered in a broken voice, “I want to live…”

“It’s just not convenient anymore”, she explained casually, “you are a burden, I plan on going to many vacations now and enjoy my life”, she paused for a moment.

“But hey, you had a good life, we were together for some time, even married, you had the honor to live beside me for a time, it’s what anyone would have wanted and you had it”, she was smiling, maybe sincerely believing she is comforting you, you never heard her talking so softly, “you could massage my feet every day and take care of me, provide for me, wasn’t it all you ever wanted?”.

You nodded slowly, broken, you couldn’t even think straight.

“So go on, thank me”, her toes got closer to your face.

With what felt like the last powers you had in you, you slowly reached her big toe and gave it a kiss, “t..thank you goddess”, you said with tears, placing your head back on the cold floor.

She smiled in satisfaction, slowly getting up and watching you from above, “you are welcome”, she replied giggling, you closed your eyes, shaking and trembling, tears started dropping from your eyes, sliding the side of your face and dropping to the floor.

She raised her foot up and slowly descended it, you jumped in fear as it touched you, instinctively you started squirming, desperately weakly pushing her massive huge and dirty sole.

It made her laugh, “why are you fighting?” Her voice boomed from the sky, like it’s an actual goddess talking to you, “it’s an act of mercy I’m putting you out of your misery”, she pressed a little harder, like she is carefully testing and practicing for how hard she can press without making her victim pop.

The pain was unbearable, you couldn’t squirm anymore, you couldn’t get air inside your lungs.

She released her grip, hovering her foot up high again, giving you another look, she was smiling, happy, you hoped she was happy because you are still alive, hoped she regret her decision, you quenched, trying to get on all fours again.

“Wow, I mastered it”, she said in joy, then before you could react her foot came down in rapid speed.


A loud thud filled the room as she stomped her foot with force, slamming it on top of you, crushing you to nothing in an instant, the sound of your bones crushing was just an echo compared to the sound of her sole hitting the floor.

She moved on to twisting her sole, popping any kinds of remains left from you, she did it slowly, like she enjoys finally getting rid of you.

Even at the end, you were a tool she could use, she used you just to test the way she controls the pressure she adds without killing a shrunken man.

She cleaned your remains from her foot with a towel, then dropped it on the floor, you meant nothing to her.

She sighed in pleasure, then went to her laptop, ordering tickets for her next vacation, where she plans on getting more rich business men and squirm them out of their money.


The end.

Tabitha will return in other stories.

Would like to hear your thoughts about the story, her character, and anything that comes to mind.



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