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Oria continued to wipe off Harvey remains while Hila started clearing the glass table, placing the box with the slaves on the couch until only you remained on it, you kept examining her movements with great fear, waiting to hear what exactly is her “amazing idea” about. From time to time you checked Oria who also followed her movements with a worried look.

“Ok so listen, I’m going to crush the next one on the table”, Hila said with excitement.

“Umm… ok, and?” Oria asked with a puzzled face, you also didn’t understand her point.

Hila suddenly grabbed you, Oria jumped in her place but held herself from doing anything.

“And let’s give little Guy here a better angle watching the show”, she placed you beneath the table.

“Oh I see”, Oria was relieved, she even released a giggle, looks like as long as you survive this she didn’t really care about anything else, “let’s give him a show then”, she approached the box while Hila climbed and stood on the glass table, you could see her soles being squeezed against the glass, you were a bit worried it might break or something, you prayed it will hold her.

Luckily, as huge as they are, both Hila and Oria weigh below average.

Oria picked someone out, “ok so this one is a bit special”, she paused, made a thinking face while looking at him.

“What makes him special?”

“I don’t know if I should share it, it’s too cruel now that I think about it”, she hesitated.

“Come on, please tell me”, Hila smiled with anticipation, waiting to hear the story.

“Umm… his name is Lee or something, I don’t remember, a Vietnamese kid, I think 8 or 9 years old”

“Oh wow, can I see?” Hila asked, and Oria held the poor kid in front of her face, you wanted to run, beg Oria not to do that, it’s going too far, you didn’t even know she’s enslaving such a young kid.

“So cute”, Hila said with a smile, then licked her lips, you were shocked, she’s actually capable of doing it? This is sick, your head started spinning.

“He’s an orphan. I smuggled him to the US by shrinking him. It was during my vacation there last year, I thought it might be problematic but it was so easy… No one tried to stop me, I even took him with me to the shrinking center there and everyone were ok with it as long as I pay, and he thought I’m helping him or something”

“Wow.. this is..” Hila paused, “awesome”, she smiled.

Even Oria made a regretting face, “really? Do you think so? Now that I’m saying it out loud I actually feel a little bad for him”, a little? you thought to yourself.

Hila smiled, “just put him on the table”. She’s the devil, simply the devil, you started having tears.

You didn’t understand Oria's goal here, you would rather die and not cause all these poor people to die just to satisfy Hila.

Oria hesitated a bit, but then placed the kid on the table, “Sorry”, she told him but actually looked at you, you shook your head in disapproval, asking her not to do this, but she ignored it.

She raised her head looking up at Hila, “just make it fast please”, she said and closed her eyes.

Hila laughed, raising her foot up high, you started screaming for them to stop but they probably couldn’t hear you.

Hila stomped, *CRACK*, it happened so fast, you saw everything, the splatter, the poor tiny body being smashed into her sweaty dry skinned sole, she twisted her foot, you closed your eyes and cried with screams, this will scar you for life.

“Oh god”, Hila said, “felt like a grape”, she giggled.

Oria didn’t giggle, she just opened her eyes, looking at your response and it saddened her.

“Wow”, she smeared his remains across the table, sadistically laughing, “it feels even better when it’s quick, like it’s actually a tiny bug, did you hear him pop?”.

“Ok stop, it makes me feel bad lol”, Oria said, but it didn’t seem to bother her too much that a kid she kidnapped was just squished by Hila’s foot.

“Ok now your turn”, Hila said while cleaning the glass, looking at you through it with a wide smile, torturing you is just the bonus here apparently.

“Ok let’s see”, Oria playfully said and hovered her hand above the box, “oh I know”, she sent her hand and picked up another victim, “it’s George, my Ex’s dad”.

“Oh my god, which ex?” Hila asked, she was excited.

“That’s a long story, let’s just leave it at that, Ugh, I fucking hate him, too bad I’m going to put him out of his misery”, she threw him over the table and climbed it up, you watched in horror, her face had a sincere smile, she squished the glass around him, laughing as with every step he’s jumping in fear. Hila joined her laughter, looking closely, waiting in anticipation to hear his bones crush.

“How about you give him a chance?” Hila playfully suggested.

“What chance could he possibly have?”, Oria asked, intrigued.

“Count to 10 and close your eyes, if he escapes he wins”

Oria giggled, closed her eyes with a smile and started counting, “10…9…”

George freaked out, started running around, he went to the edge of the table, looking down, then he started screaming for help, it was hopeless.

“3…2…1…”, Oria opened her eyes, watching him standing at the edge of the corner, desperately, as he realized he was doomed - he just jumped to his death.

Unfortunately for him - he landed right into Hila’s hand, she closed it on him and started laughing, “oh no, it’s not going to be that easy”, she teased him, then dropped him at Oria’s feet.

Oria placed her big toe over his head, squeezing it, “and where exactly do you think you’re going? After causing me and Steve to break up”, then she looked at Hila, “I crushed his son in front of him, after he dared to break up with me, and I did it just like that - *CRACK*, his skull gave up under Oria’s big toe’s pressure.

Oria closed her eyes and smiled, savoring the moment with pleasure.

“Wow, that was brutal”, Hila said, looking at Oria’s foot.

Then *CRACK*, she flattened the rest of her foot, crushing George’s body completely, then smearing him over the glass, you didn’t want to watch but you just couldn’t get your eyes away, you couldn’t believe Oria is doing it and enjoying it so much, will it be you down there some day? Both of them are crazy, right now all you want is to be home, playing your PS5, forgetting all about this nightmare.

Oria cleaned her foot and easily stepped down from the table, getting closer to the couch Hila is sitting on. “Umm there are only 16 left”.

“That’s quite a lot”, Hila said, smiling ear to ear.

Then Oria paused, you could see from all the way down that she was starting to blush, “Umm Hila, I have a proposal in mind”, she said.

Hila giggled, waiting to hear what Oria has on her cruel mind and what they are going to do with those who left.

“Uh.. I thought.. perhaps I will give those slaves to you… in exchange for Guy?...”, her eyes were wide open, looking at Hila waiting for a response.

“What?..” Hila looked confused, “you mean you want to crush him?”

“Umm no, I mean not necessarily, it was just fun having him as a slave, and I’m ok giving you those slaves, I want something new you know”

“You can always come and have him lick your feet and all, my slaves are your slaves”, Hila giggled, thinking her suggestion is any good, she is missing the point.

“I mean I want to take him home and you can have all of them to stay here and be yours”, Oria tried to be more direct.

“I have to think about it”, Hila said, “it’s my first slave I’m being sentimental”, then she walked to the box and picked one up, “but don’t be a buzz killer, let’s crush some more and then we’ll see”.

She held him and sat on the sofa, getting her socks from the ground, you wondered what she plans for the poor guy.

Then when Hila didn’t notice you looked at Oria, she seemed worried, she looked at you and tried to calm you down with her look, you realized she is trying to tell you that everything is going to be ok.

She doesn’t know that after what happened now, you can’t see her the same way, you are scared of her, even terrified, as much as you love her you have to be reasonable, if she’s capable of easily killing people like they were nothing, even kids, someday it will happen to you, even if she loves you now. She even talked about crushing her ex earlier when she squished his dad’s head, you can’t live with that risk hovering above your head.

At least you finally know Oria's intentions, she is looking to trade you with Hila.


End of part 16



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