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You woke up hungry with a dry mouth, you touched your face and realized the blood dried out, but you were still in pain.

You sat down, hoping that Oria will find a way to save you today, you waited for Hila to pick you up from the shoe, probably to torture you again.

Few hours later Hila came with her silky pajama shirt and underwear, pulling you out, holding you in front of her face, “you look terrible”, she said.

You lowered your head down in defeat, not responding.

“I thought about what Oria said yesterday, maybe I’m too harsh with you, you gave me yourself by choice after all, as fun as it is maybe I should treat you better”.

You raised your gaze to see her face, trying to understand if she’s being serious now or is it just another cruel game.

She placed you on the table, then placed a very small dip sauce bowl filled with some fluid inside, you approached closer, it smelled like her sweat, you looked up at her with a puzzled face.

“I jogged in the park earlier, it’s my armpit sweat, take a shower”.

You nodded and walked inside, sitting in it like it’s a hot tub, scrubbing your face with her sweat, washing yourself, although it was sticky, gravy and warm, you haven’t felt so good in a very long time.

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” She asked in a cold tone, you thought for a second, “thank you goddess”, and you bowed down, worshipping her in gratitude, as long as it means she won’t torture you you would do anything.

“Good bug, you have 10 minutes, then you’re back to work”

You nodded, and kept showering yourself with her stinky sweat, thanking god for Oria and what she said yesterday.


10 minutes passed quickly and Hila sat down placing her feet next to the bowl, turning on TV. Just a lazy weekend, she didn’t even have to order you, you crawled out of the bowl and started kissing her feet, showing her gratitude for treating you well.

“Enough with the kissing and flattery, do your job”, she said, then yawned and stretched her hands up, laying further back.

You obeyed, grinding your teeth against her hard sweaty skin, barely making progress, ripping it off piece by piece.

After few episodes of her show you started getting tired but pushed yourself further.


Finally, the doorbell rang, Hila pulled her feet and went to the entrance, you watched her beautiful long exposed legs from behind, also her round peach like ass, when she’s not torturing you she sure is a very beautiful woman.

Oria entered with a box in her hands, they greeted each other with a hug, went to the salon and she placed the box on the table next to you.

 I have a surprise for you”, Oria opened the box, Hila peeked in and gasped, a huge wide smile appeared on her face, “oh my god how many have you brought???” her eyes were wide open and she started counting.

“20”, Oria said and giggled, “some have been mine for more than 10 years”, she said proudly.

“Wow, but why so many? I thought you’re only letting me crush one”

Oria smiled, “I saw your feet condition and figured you can use some more hands, or tongues”, they laughed.

Hila giggled, “well..”, she checked them with lust in her eyes, biting her lower lip, “why don’t we crush them all? Let’s go crazy”

Oria's smiley face changed to concern, “uh.. all of them? Are you sure you don’t want to keep some?”

Hila released a tiny moan, “please, I really can’t hold myself, I have to feel one of them crushes already”, you wondered what the poor people in the box felt like, watching 2 beautiful women towering above them, talking about crushing them like they were a bunch of toys.

“Jeez, you’ve gone mad girl”, Oria said, then picked up one of the tiny men inside the box, “here, this pathetic slave is Matthew, we worked together in a clothes store”.

Hila looked at him, licking her lower lip, “Hi Matthew”, she said seductively, “how did he end up here?” She asked Oria, not moving her eyes from him.

“Well, that’s a cute story, one day at the store we made a bet over one of the customers, which shoes she would pick, and I told him that if he wins we will have sex, but if he lose he will be my tiny slave for a day, I won”.

“And how long has it been?”

“I think 4 or 5 years”, Oria said, they both burst into laughter, Oria placed him down on the floor, he looked terrified, you quickly went to the edge of the table, trying to get a look, you watched at Oria’s feet, then all the way up her body, she’s so perfect, every curve in her body looked like it was sculpted by angels.

“Do it slowly, enjoy it, savor every crack, it’s your first one”, Oria instructed her, Hila blushed, breathing slowly, she was excited as hell.

Matthew started running for his life in a random direction, shouting and screaming, Hila looked at him all frozen.

Then Oria foot landed in front of him, blocking him, slowly pushing him back in front of Hila, Oria giggled, “don’t be scared, do it, that’s his whole purpose, for you to have fun”.

It scared you hearing her talking like that, the way she acted reminded you who Oria used to be before you fell in love with her.

“Yeah, sorry, I drifted away”, Hila said, “it’s not as easy as I thought”, she said looking at Oria with a blushed face.

“Well you don’t have to do it, you can just enslave them”

“No, I want to do it”, she started raising her foot shakily, “I want to feel it”.

Matthew fell on his knees, joining his hands together, begging her not to do it. Oria took a step back, watching her friend. It doesn’t look like an act anymore, Oria truly enjoys it. Well deep down you knew, she might love you but she’s still herself.

Hila’s foot slowly descended on top of him, until eventually it landed on him gently, pushing him into the floor, then Hila giggled, “oh my god I feel him squirming”, Oria giggled too, Hila carefully pushed harder, you looked up at her face, it was all red, she was biting her lower lip, savoring the moment.


Blood splattered to all directions below her foot, she moaned in pleasure, “Oh, My, God
 did you hear that?”, she twisted her foot like she’s exhausting a cigarette, squishy and cracky sounds could be heard with every twist.

“I can’t believe someone just died beneath me like a helpless bug, oh god”, she covered her mouth and started laughing.

“Well that’s what they are”, Oria said with a smile, “now you are finally a true goddess, congratulations”, she said and went to get a moisturized tissue from a desk near the sofa, handing it over to Hila.

Hila raised her foot, you saw her sole, you were mortified by what you saw

Matthew's crushed body was hanging from the ball of her foot, blood was all over, then she wiped it off with the tissue, cleaning between her toes as well, her face was smiling in satisfaction, she cleaned him off like you would clean a dirt you stepped on by mistake.

“I actually felt his bones, it was amazing”, she kept on going sharing her experience, then bent down to clean the floor as well with the same tissue.

You were shaking, thinking that if not for Oria you would have ended up the same way, you thought about his last moments, fighting for his life while hearing her moans and laugh, you were terrified that somehow you would end the same in the future.

Oria sent her hand inside the box, “well, I guess it’s my turn now”, Hila nodded, then just sat on the couch, watching her friend, enjoying the show.

She held someone, “this one is Harvey, a Canadian tourist I dated a few years back”.

Hila giggled, “and how did you manage to get him to shrink”

“He was so naive, I told him we can save a ticket for a flight to Canada if he’s willing to shrink, that I’ll just take him to his family and then we will grow him back there and enjoy a vacation there”

“Did he actually fall for that?” Hila asked, all surprised.

“The thing is, I even threw the one ticket he bought for me into the garbage. I didn't even plan to go there”, they both laughed again while Oria placed the poor man on the ground, lifting her sole above him.

He stood there frozen, watching her, probably knowing that there’s nothing else to do.

“Aren’t you going to beg?” Oria teased him, you didn’t understand if it’s an act, how come she’s so evil again?

“I might just be convinced, who knows, it’s worth the shot”, she continued teasing him, Hila giggled, then you saw the poor guy standing on his knees, pleading her not to crush him, they both started laughing.

“Well, sorry Harvey, I’m not convinced”, she giggled as her foot slowly lowered on top of him, it happened so slow and you watched it, hoping she won’t do it, but then you heard a *CRACK*, and blood splattered all over, you looked up and saw her mischievous smile, at least she didn’t moan and got sexually satisfied over it.

“Oh my god you are such a pro, you are so cruel I just love it”, Hila said as Oria slowly twisted her foot, crushing his remains, Oria giggled, “he actually tried to beg you”, Hila added, mesmerized by the situation.

Then Hila got up, looking into the box with a smile, then you had eye contact, “oh my god look at Guy he’s terrified”, she burst into laughter and Oria joined her with a fake laugh, cleaning her foot and the floor with another tissue.

“Wait, before we move on I have an amazing idea”, Hila said while looking at you, shivering in fear you watched Oria’s concerned face, you had a bad feeling about this.


End of part 15



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