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You woke up from Hila’s alarm clock, she stopped, “oh god.. I didn’t shower last night…” she said while stretching.

You also stood up, you were near the wall at the side of her bed, she sat down and yawned loudly, then she noticed you and gasped, “oh shit, I totally forgot about you”, then she hugged her chest, hiding it because she’s not wearing a bra, “so embarrassing”, you blushed, she looked magnificent at that size,  like a wonder, everything about her was perfect.

You bowed your head down, “it’s ok I’m not looking”, she got up and started arranging for a shower.

“So you licked my feet all night or what? You should’ve woke me up to take a shower or something”, she complained, then left the room.

You walked next to her pillow and sniffed it, her smell… and not the smell of sweaty feet that you are used to, so perfect, she’s such a goddess… you sniffed it more, so happy you are here and not in that damn aquarium.

You just realized you kind of lost track of how many days you are here, was it a week already? You couldn’t tell.

She came back, looked at you and sighed, she sat down next to you.

“Ok so look, I know you only mean well and you respond to my post trying to help me and all, but I just thought about it in the shower, I think you should go home”.

You were surprised.

“I mean, I feel pretty bad about yesterday, letting you lick my feet after I make sex is sick, it’s not me, I feel horrible for doing it”

“No… it’s..”, you didn’t have what to say, she’s right it wasn’t ok, “I guess you are right, you got carried away”, you stammered, scratching your head not sure if you said the right thing.

She laughed “ha! I got carried away??? Are you kidding me? I only suggested it, you are the one all drooling at my foot sweat”

“That’s not fair, I was thirsty.. and…”, you started defending yourself.

“Ok, ok, but still, let’s just grow you back, this whole shrunken slave thing, maybe it’s just not for me, sorry”

“But what about your feet? All the dead skin?”, you didn’t want to be direct but now that she’s suggesting to grow you back made you realize how much you want to stay.

“What about it? I’ve lived with it so far, I guess it can just stay like that, fuck it”.

“But.. all the effort I’ve put into it”, you stammered, started sweating and blushed, you didn’t know what to say anymore in order to convince her to continue the treatments.

Her face was puzzled now, “I don’t get it, you are trying to convince me to continue, and then you get mad because I’m thinking you have nothing better to do with your life?”

“It’s not that, I-“

“And didn’t you want to stay for a couple of days? It’s been about a week already”

You bowed your head down in despair, you couldn’t excuse it anymore.

“So just admit it, admit that you love my feet and I’ll

allow you to stay”.

“It’s not like that, I don’t plan on staying here for years, I just don’t want to throw away all the progress, you know?”, you placed your hands in your pockets, shrugged your shoulders.

“Guy, stop with the excuses!”, she finally smiled and laughed a little, “what’s so hard in admitting that being my shrunken foot slave is your life’s best option???

I finally get it, my Facebook post was probably a dream coming true for you, you sent the message on 3am, you couldn’t even wait till morning”

“Hila.. please, it’s not like that I don’t want to be your slave”

“Ugh, you are so stubborn, you know what? Fine, we are going to the shrinking center, back to your pathetic life”

You panicked, just the thought of going back to look for a job and taking care of all the problems you have back home made you understand that she’s totally right.

“Ok! Ok I admit!…”, you broke.

“Ha!! I knew it!”, she made a fist gesture, the kind of ‘I was right all along’.

You were relieved to get it out of your system.

“I must know, for how long??” She smiled with her mouth half open, waiting for your answer.

“I… I have had a crush on you since high school…”, you blushed, “and yes.. I like your feet but I never thought about being yours like that”.

“Wow, so damn cute! That’s hilarious, and what do you mean ‘like that’”?

“Being shrunken and all, I always fantasized about us being a couple and to kiss your feet when I’m normal size”.

Hila covered her mouth and then started laughing, “that’s even better than I thought, so it’s over 10 years? wow I’m so happy I published that post, this is hilarious”.

You scratched your head, embarrassed.

“Ok so now that all the cards are open, let’s set our expectations straight”, she held you up and went to the salon while talking.

“You are not helping me.

I’m doing you a favor by ALLOWING you to serve my feet, is that clear?” Her tone was firm.

“Hila you don’t have to be like tha-“

“You do what I say, when I say, no more complaints and no more requests, otherwise you go back to your boring life.”, she said with half a smile.

She placed you on the table.

“Now, I want to hear you say it. That is what you want.”

“Ok, this is what I want”

“No, elaborate”, she teased, placing her hands behind her head. It’s like it’s a guilty pleasure, it’s “not her” but she actually enjoys hearing someone chooses to willingly give himself to her.

You paused, and then decided to just go with it, you can always regret it and ask her to return you to normal.

“Hila, I want to be your shrunken foot slave, thank you for allowing me to serve your feet”

Hila loosened her firm expression, “see? It wasn’t that hard”.

You felt humiliated, but happy to finally say it out loud, then she placed her feet in front of you, “you can kiss them”, she giggled.

You approached and gave the ball of her foot a very passionate kiss. She giggled again.

“Is that how you kiss the feet of your crush for more than 10 years? Get on your knees when you do that”

You obeyed, falling to your knees and gave her sole a long kiss again.

“Ok, I’m happy we are passed that, now just to be clear - you are going to stay here until the last piece of dead skin is removed from my soles, no matter how long it will take”

“Wait, Hila-“

“Is that clear?”, she gave you a very dominating look.

“I.. uh..”

She held your head with her toes, squeezing a little.

You couldn’t agree to this, you didn’t want to close the door out of this, you squirmed and she released the grip.

“Let’s stop for a second”, you got a hold of your breathing, she paused, “Hila listen-“

“No, you listen:

You have 2 choices, we either go to the shrinking center and you can kiss my feet goodbye, or you stay here until my feet are fully cured of dead skin, and you have to choose now”.

Your head started spinning, maybe it’s worth it? Pausing your life for a few years, enjoying serving her? Instead of the constant search for job, money, living “free” in this world?

What’s freedom anyway? All you do is work, eat, sleep, and play video games from time to time. Here it’s like you have no worries, your whole purpose is improving her feet condition.

“Well?” She got her toes closer to you, “I’ll make it easier for you - if you want to stay, give the bottom of my big toe a kiss”, she raised her toe in front of your face.

Your whole body trembled, it was an impossible decision for you.

You tried to calculate your pace, considering you will get even better at it, if you do that twice a day - maybe a year, 2 years max, it’s like a vacation. Yes, maybe you should see it as a vacation, a pause from your day to day life.

You got closer and gave it a kiss, Hila gasped in surprise.

“Ok, wow”, she said in awe, “wow”.

She was speechless, it looks like she was absolutely certain that pushing you to the corner like that will make you choose to go home.

“I have to admit - I’m shocked.

So I guess we are doing this”, she added after a few seconds of silence where the only sound in the room was you kissing her toe.

She pulled her foot back and checked you out, her face was still with a surprised expression, her eyebrows were up.

“I have to understand, you do realize it makes you my property? That I can do whatever I want with you?”

“Y..yes..” you replied in a shaken voice.

“Wow, this is insane, when I first published that post I would never expect something like that to happen”

“I.. I know, me too”, you were so embarrassed.

“Well, it’s your decision, just don’t complain in a few months when you realize what you’ve done, I won’t let you go with my feet half cured, it’s clear? Even if you beg me to be free, I’ll just harsh your slavery terms”.

“I know, I understand”, you replied, humiliated, still somewhat shocked with the situation, you hoped she’s not being serious and just tried to scare you into opting out.

“Ok then, start working, we have a long weekend ahead”.

She shoved her sole in your face like she hadn't done before, probably treating you as you deserve - a pathetic loser who just willingly gave up on his own freedom just to live as ashes to her feet.


End of part 5



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