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We're guessing that, by now, you've seen the latest video posted on the Fact Fiend channel, or at least seen or heard about what is happening on our socials. If not, here is the link before you read on:


As Karl laid out in that video, we are retiring from making Fact Fiend videos for the foreseeable future. We had a great run (3+ videos a week for almost 7 years) but views are continuing to dip along with our passion. YouTuber burnout is a very real thing, and it is further exacerbated by not knowing if we'll be able to pay our bills next month. Instead of forcing the channel to continue as a husk of its former self, we decided that the best decision for all of us is to call it a day and move onto other projects. 

You might be wondering... what does this mean for this Patreon? Well, we've decided to convert it into what Karl has been calling a "retirement fund" - a place where people can contribute a bit of spare change to help us as we transition into new work and onto new projects. The proceeds from this Patreon will be divided equally between me, Nisha and Lucas; Karl has opted not to take a cut as a thank you for all we've done over the years.

We opened this Patreon back up at the start of 2022 and, without it and without all of you, this announcement would have come a lot sooner. The only reason that Fact Fiend has been able to continue as long as it has is because of the generosity of our Patrons and we cannot express how grateful we are for that. With that being said, we've always made it clear that there is no obligation for anyone to become or continue to be a Patron. We understand many of you joined to keep Fact Fiend alive and you did that! If you choose to withdraw your patronage now, rest assured that you played your part in the channel's legacy.

So as the post title states... what's next? Well, none of us are going anywhere anytime soon. If you enjoy the content created by any of the crew, you can find a full list of everything we're currently working on below. The occasional video will be popping up on the Untitled Side Channel (Lucas is still working on an unfinished Fact Feud episode) and we'll be checking in on this Patreon on a regular basis. If you comment or message us here, we'll do our best to get back to you in good time.

On a more personal note, working on a YouTube channel with friends and editing videos that entertain millions of people has always been my dream job and, thanks to all of you, I had the opportunity to do that. I've created, and been part of, something special that has influenced so many people! It's not every day that you get to do that. I will continue to create and maybe, one day, I'll get to do it all over again. For now, though, I'll just sign off here with another heartfelt thank you. We would be nothing without all of you.

To what comes next.





Karl has spun Wiki Weekends, a series born on Fact Fiend where he discusses the contents of online encyclopaedia articles, onto its own channel with Lucas:


Karl is also working as the host and occasional script writer over on TopTenz, Biographics and Geographics:




Karl streams Metal Gear Rising, and other games, on his Twitch:


Follow Karl on his socials to get updates on what he is working on:




I'm starting a new channel, Break Brad, where I'll be uploading the video essays and workshop videos that were formerly on the Untitled Side Channel:


I stream a variety of games on a semi-regular basis over on my Twitch:


You can also watch my playthroughs of games on my gaming channel:


My other videos, plus my annual Bradvent series, can be found here:


To keep up with me and my projects, follow me on my socials:





Nisha will be moving her Nisha's Niche series, where she tries out new and interesting hobbies, over to her YouTube channel. Here she also uploads a variety of other videos such as Photoshop challenges and VFX work:


Nisha will provide updates on her life and projects, along with photos of her adorable cats, on her socials:





As mentioned, Lucas is working on the new Wiki Weekends channel with Karl:


Lucas can be found streaming three times a week over on his Twitch:


To watch archives of Lucas's gaming content, you can check out his YouTube channel:


For Cayde and Oryx updates (and Lucas too) you can follow him on his socials:







This channel has been a source of entertainment for me for the last 5yrs and while it's sad to see it come to an end, I'm forever impressed and grateful that you all have stayed true to your integrity every step of the way. This channel will always stand as the example of how to run a creative project without "selling out." I wish each of you the best luck in your next chapters!


While I know from experience its best to go out on top, it's crazy to think it's come to an end. I would like to thank you for your transparent business practices, educating me, and most importantly sharing a laugh. The silver lining being you'll all continue onto other things. I am glad to continue to support the team as needed and wish you all the best. I kindly thank you all.