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Happy New Year everyone! We hope your 2024 is off to a great start :)

With every new year comes a chance to do things a little differently and, as some of the changes we want to make directly affect you all, we're posting about it here as early as we can.

Effective January 31st, we are removing all rewards associated with our Patreon and returning it back to its original purpose - a tip jar to support the team. Our reasons for this will be explained in our February update.

January will be going ahead as planned with credit/shout-outs for Supporters and VIPs respectively in the monthly Fact Fiend Focus, along with a shit-post video.

We are forever grateful for anyone who has been supporting us since we reached out for help a year or so ago, but we understand fully if people wish to alter their pledge due to a change in rewards. Of course, if you continue to support all of us regardless, we will continue to be grateful for however long you choose to do so.

If anyone doesn't catch this update in time, and is charged without receiving the rewards they thought they'd be getting, contact us and Karl will see to it that you are refunded.

Thank you,

Brad (and the team)



Was never in it for the rewards so I'm cool with it.


Would you guys do an annual plan when you change the memberships?


So long and thanks for all the fish.