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What content do I get to see

Depending on your tier, you'll be able to see update posts of comics and pinups in production show up on your feed.
"Full Moon" tier gets you all the content on offer, including voting power, while lower tiers get you a portion of it.
Currently I have two comic projects running on Patreon at the same time:

【My Milky Roomie 2: Milk Bath】

"MMR2: Milk Bath" is a full length comic, Including two versions: flat color and full color.
Here's a briefly example to show the difference between two versions:

Patrons above Crescent tire have early access to flat color version in high res, while Full Moon patrons have exclusive access to full color version.  

【Gym Pals R3】

"Gym Pals R3" is a spin-off from my webcomic "Gym Pals". It's a four-frame NSFW comic, focusing on lewd and fun comedy stuff.
Only half of the episodes will be made public for the purpose of promoting the series.
Patrons above Gibbous tier have exclusive access to the comic.

【Monthly Pinups】

Each month I draw a pinup with several alts as an artpack based on the poll result.
Only 1~2 alts will be made public for the purpose of promoting the monthly pinup.
Patrons above Crescent tier have exclusive access to the artpacks.

【Discord Server】

It’s a patron-exclusive server, and is accessible to all my patrons.
Not only you can share feedback with me, but I also occasionally do art streams there!

Patreon will automatically send you to my server after you connect your discord account to your patreon account, please follow the steps below:  
(1) Click on “Settings” in top right of your Patreon page, click on "More", then click on "Connected apps".
(2) Connect your Discord account to your Patreon.  
(3) By doing so you should be able to join my discord sever automatically with your role being added.

The reason I have different tiers in my Patreon, is because I want every single tier to have something special to give patrons, something to look forward to, while not keeping all my content behind a pay wall.
So if you love my content, please subscribe to the tier that fits your budget the most. Whichever tier you choose, it helps me keep on creating!

How do I vote for the monthly pinup

If you are patrons on "Full Moon" tier, you get to vote on the theme of monthly pinups!
The poll occurs in the first half of every month, and lasts for 3~4 days. Therefore, make sure you are a current Full Moon patron during the voting period.

Pledge charging dates

My Patreon is set up as "Subscription Billing", which means you'll be charged as soon as you join. Then after the initial payment, you will only be charged when a full month has passed from your join date. For example, if you sign up on April 12, Patreon will automatically charge again on May 12. You can see your next charge date at checkout and in your Active Memberships tab.

"Subscription Billing" is different from "Charge Upfront". You can pledge near the end of a month without worrying about getting charged soon after again when the "1st" of the next month hits.



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