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Greetings everyone!
Like always, thank you for your support!
As you’ve been waiting for, starting from June, I’ll start the story of "Gym Pals R2"!
My new plan is to handle 3~4 pages of "Night Out With Boss" and 2~4 episodes of "Gym Pals R2".
In order to achieve that, I’ve made some changes to each tier:

Star (1$)

  • WIPs of comic pages
  • Sketches of monthly pinups
  • Comic pages of "Gym Pals" in high res
  • Publicly released artwork in high res

Crescent (3$)

  • All rewards from "Star" tier
  • Patron-exclusive monthly pinups (All 2 alternate versions)
  • Early access to "Night Out With Boss" in high res (flat color version)

Gibbous (5$)

  • All rewards from "Crescent" tier
  • Patron-exclusive monthly pinups (All 2 alternate versions)
  • Early access to "Night Out With Boss" in high res (flat color version)
  • Exclusive access to "Gym Pals R2"

Full Moon (7$)

  • All rewards from "Gibbous" tier
  • Patron-exclusive monthly pinups (All 2 alternate versions)
  • Access to vote in polls for monthly pinups
  • Exclusive access to "Night Out With Boss" in high res (full color version)
  • Exclusive access to "Gym Pals R2"

This is a new milestone in my patreon, and I’ll keep trying my best to create better work for you!



Star (1$)

  • 連載漫畫的草圖
  • 每月CG的草圖
  • 高畫質版的"健身小哥"連載
  • 高畫質版的公開插圖

Crescent (3$)

  • 包含"Star"方案的獎勵
  • 贊助者獨家每月CG (共2張版本)
  • 搶先觀看高畫質版的"老大夜未眠" (單色上色)

Gibbous (5$)

  • 包含"Crescent"方案的獎勵
  • 贊助者獨家每月CG (共2張版本)
  • 搶先觀看高畫質版的"老大夜未眠" (單色上色)
  • 觀看贊助者獨家"健身小哥R2"

Full Moon (7$)

  • 包含"Gibbous"方案的獎勵
  • 贊助者獨家每月CG (共2張版本)
  • 參與每月CG投票
  • 贊助者獨家高畫質版的"老大夜未眠" (精緻上色)
  • 觀看贊助者獨家"健身小哥R2"
