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Today is a great day! My new website: https://naughtyneurals.com has launched!!
OC's I still need to properly finish but the basics are there! My entire archive is on the site with links to all the Patreon posts for easy access! 

I worked my butt off to get this site just the way I wanted it! I really REALLY hope you'll like it!

Let me know in the comments what you think! It's something I want to improve by community feedback! :D

Have a fantastic day!!!





Not sure if this was asked or answered but will any future artwork be locked by pay in your website ? Or will it all be free to access? Like all of it, including all the alternate versions/poses. I guess what I trying to say is, is there a point for your Patreon now? I'm not trying to be rude or be an a-hole, I'm just curious.


Heya! Not rude at all! You're free to ask! The website will only show the 4 images that I already post daily for free across several social media platforms. And a 5th heavily blurred one that hopefully will peak the interest of many to check out what more I have to offer. The links underneath every post (Patreon links) will only work for people who are already subscribed to my Patreon. So nothing changes in that regards. It will just be a great new way to browse everything that I have made for free and paying subs. TLDR: Content that you pay for will (and hopefully forever) stay on Patreon only. No other platforms. Also not my website! On a sidenote: This is why I also decided to keep the website 100% ad free. I don't believe in ads. I believe in good content! I'm paying for this website from the support I'm getting from Patreon! Thank you for that awesome support! <3


I am so excited!! Such a beautiful vibe!! It is exactly what all of us members need teehee 🀭 Great job! You are awesome! 😎