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Important: This is Kaitlyn Everly. I wanted to add this to the post to really point out that characters can change because of this.

Alright! I've been cooking up something new but I'm REALLY looking for feedback here because I'm not sure this is the right direction! So let me know in the comments. Do you like this style? Or should I invest more time to get it closer to where my style currently is before releasing this new way? Below I've written the challenges I was facing in a bit more detail. I hope you'll give it a read!

18+ content has been tough
Creating the 18+ content with my current setup has been really tough to do. And really inconsistant in quality. Which is something I want to solve! So I invested a lot of time to create a workflow that is much more fun to work with. With my current workflow I've reached a point where I can't create any more new poses.

New way of creating 18+ content
So I have found a way to create 18+ content on a much more consistant basis. And it gave me access to a LOT more poses and things I can create for you all. It is however a different style then you're all used to. There is a lot more possible than these 8 images but I think these are a great indication on what's possible!

This will only apply to 18+ content for now
Just to make sure it's clear. This new style will only be applied to the 18+ content that I make. The other sets (Regular, Lingerie, NSFW) will not be affected by this. If however you all love the style so much that you would love to see an entire set made with it. I'm open to that!




absolutely love these

Bob Kos

I like 8 the best... Not sure I like the eyes in these new ones... they Don't seem as Bright...