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Hey lovelies! πŸŒŸπŸŽ‰ I hope you're all doing fabulous! πŸ’– I have some super exciting news to share with you all! ✨ Starting from tomorrow, I'm making a little change that I hope you're all going to LOVE! πŸ’–

From now on, All the daily posts will have a downloadable zip containing all the images of that post! πŸ“Έ This will be in addition of the images that are uploaded to Patreon. πŸ’« So in short. Nothing changes to how you watch the content. But now you'll also have access to a handy dandy little download button to download all the images of the post you're currently watching! πŸ“₯

This change will be implemented at the start of "Naughty's All-Stars" and will be retroactively applied to previous themes in the near future! 🌟 This post will also be an example on how it will look like! You can find the download link below! 🎁

Big hugs and lots of love,
~NN πŸ’• 
