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Zoro's fight with Mr. 1 was awesome! Discussion at the end. :)) 



Cheddah Slammer

So the differences with Zoro in the Anime and the Live Action. In the Live action they display Zoro good at using 2 two swords, and 1 sword, and then he takes out the 3 swords and puts on the Bandana, for a special attack. This is necessary for the live action because using 3 swords isn't a realistic way to fight. However it does change Zoro's character in a way, it makes him seem even stronger in the live action, because in the Anime Zoro is only good at 3 sword style, and not as good with 2 swords or even one sword. We see him slowly grow and learn, and in this fight he uses a 1 sword style technique to defeat Mr.1.

Regie Khemvisay

The insight about filmmaking and scriptwriting from you guys are *chefskiss. I also do creative writing and its definitely hard to piece things together that makes sense and GOda is definitely a genius with all these small details or stuff that u wouldnt think twice about and it comes back later. im actually so thankful for The LA because so many reactions and the community grew bcoz of the show. Even with just Mackenyu, he brought in so many ppl already. The LA was definitely a smart choice. Also, I think OPLA is the first Live action that the American production did and which Netflix put millions of dollar to make. And of course with showrunners being fans and ODA involved, OPLA became very special. If it wasnt fot OPLA, i and probly lots of us probably never have met. In conclusion, lol, OP rules!


EXACLTY!! Your comment just gave me ( Heather ) chills! How amazing is this community and it just keeps getting better!


So true Cheddah! thanks for the insight! We love it when you guys guide us through, its so helpful and just makes us love the show even more! :))