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We upload this to YouTube earlier but thought we would add it hear so we can discuss it with our NAKAMAS!!! 




Remade by the Attack on Titan studio and you've been reacting to both AoT and One Piece, what a coincidence!


Pretty sure just remove fluff and faster pace. A better version of one pace

Ej Evangelista

I think this is a good thing. One of the biggest reasons a lot of people don't want to get into One Piece is the amount of episodes, and the pacing of One Piece can drag/be really slow at times. (This is a lot more apparent in the later episodes 500+, Dressrosa arc comes into mind). But even in the early episodes sometimes things would kinda drag or be slow. You know how sometimes characters would just stare at each other for long periods of time, or they would insert long recaps or just show flashbacks that we just literally saw like 5 mins ago? They would pretty much remove these things a long with filler episodes to help with that. Also updated animation to help draw in a new crowd, since a lot of people don't like the older less fluid animation. The biggest concern I have is the current crew's voice actors. they are starting to get up there in age unfortunately. and I just can't imagine anyone else voicing our crew


I'm curious if they will just reuse the voice audio, would probably save lots of money.


The thing is one piece can sometimes be very slow, to such an extent that fans created a shorter version. the anime sometimes adapt less than a chapter in an episode (the average anime adapts 2-4 chapters). So remaking an anime will not only improve the pacing of the show, the overall quality (animation mostly) will improve since it’s going to be a seasonal show


This is such an awesome announcement!! 🏴‍☠️🥳🏴‍☠️ Getting WIT Studio to animate the remake is a great way to appeal OP to anime fans who are still hesitant to try it. There’s a lot of anime fans out there in it for the visual aesthetic more than the story. To get that polished visual right from episode 1 is something WIT can knock outta the park, instead of waiting hundreds of episodes to reach it with the current anime by Toei. Think of it as getting a re-animated One Pace stripped of fillers, recaps, & still shots often used to fluff it out.


Wit is the perfect studio for this remake. I would only hand it off to Bones, Mappa, or something else equivalent.


Honestly, I can't wait. Finally we will have the anime that all fans deserve. Top tier animation studio. This will be a better version of One Pace

desolate leng

Agreed, I'm very excited about the new anime. I love a lot of things about the old anime, but it really does have its flaws, and making it seasonal with modern animation will probably fix all that. I wonder how long it will take for the first season to come out? I don't think we can expect anything before next winter, honestly. That was Mayumi Tanaka speaking at the end, though! I don't think they'll switch the actors out unless someone dies or gets ill.


We are loving the HYPE from you guys! Since we are so new to this world, we love all the info we can get from you all!!! LOVE YOU NAKAMAS! H & J


Exactly how I feel, EJ. Like Tina mentioned I'm sure they'll just reuse audio. Be dumb not too unless they somehow can't do so. Now all those who complain about how early One Piece looks or about the pacing iasues have no excuses now.


This will be amazing for new fans, I will probably still prefer the original though lol I actually like the pacing because I feel like you get to know the characters more during the slower moments

Regie Khemvisay

Awesome news!!! This way we can have more nakamas

Regie Khemvisay

I figure it’d be like making the manga to life, I know Toei added bunch of stuff and just expanded some stuff. I’m so excited tho


The hype is real! Like the One Piece is real! 😉 I’ve seen a lot of fans throw around the phrase “Definitive Edition” in regards to The One Piece.


Yeah I think the majority of the filler will be gone, and most of the stuff they added to pad out the episodes to make the time frames will also be gone.