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Dropping for Clan: Wed. 11/22/23

Dropping for Dreamers: Friday 11/24/23





Captain Smoker was the person that was teased at the end of the live action. The one who burned Luffy's wanted poster


Smoker was the guy that was teased at the end of the live action


Smoker's introduction is so good, I love how you see he's hard on his men but kind to little kid that spilled ice cream on him showing that there are some Marines that care for the civilians.




Zoro was never planning on selling that sword he got from Kuina, it was just the guy trying his best to hassle him for sure. Interrupting Zoro as he’s trying to say “it’s not for sale” Loguetowns fillers (and other fillers as well) I love so much because it really expands on the lore - and you’ll see why since your going to watch them. Sometimes the manga seems rushed in terms of certain things but the anime adds to those moments using fillers from cover stories and what not. Also, I love when Luffy looks up at the tower at the end of the episode - signifying where Luffy is at and looking up to where his dreams are - so tall it goes beyond the screen. Amazing shot!

Professor Rizzard The Third

Zoro was interrupted when he was saying it wasn’t for sale, he doesn’t care if it’s legendary it’s value to him is because it’s kuinas sword. It just happens to also be legendary. One thing I will say is as much as I did like the live action, and the actor who played zoro was very good the direction for him was a little too serious and sarcastic. Zoro is defo one of the most serious straw hats but he also has goofy moments, they all do it why their so endearing.


The guy in the crowd who asked where Roger's treasure said "It's in the Grandline right?", and Roger said he left everything there, so it was implied to be in the Grandline People cheered likely because they were excited to know that Roger really did find the great treasure, so lots of people set off to try and find it. Roger turned his execution into a storm of people searching for the One Piece :)


Something to know is Zoro is also a royal class dimwit 🤣 he knows how to use swords and greatly values Kuina's sword in a sentimental way, but he had no idea of it's real value and probably doesn't care to know. He didn't know it was a "legendary sword" and also wasn't concerned about anything going wrong there, so he was just letting the dude yap


Ahhh, got it! Thanks for clarifying that!☺️☺️

desolate leng

Luffy does drink alcohol! The whole bar scene is anime filler. It's from a novelization of the Loguetown arc (written by a guy called Tatsuya Hamazaki, not Oda). A lot of people say that the basic idea of the scene in the bar (and some other filler stuff in this arc) comes from Oda, but I haven't managed to find a source for that. Luffy also doesn't fail to climb the execution platform, he just goes up. Like Heather says, he doesn't need to climb! That was added in the anime to buy time (as was Zoro breaking Tashigi's glasses and being taken to the marine base). A prime example of padding that messes with characterisation (all right, I'll stop harping on it, lol). Oh, and the town takes its name from prologue/epilogue, which in US English is spelt prolog/epilog, right? Hence "the city of beginning and end".


I hope OPLA season 2 puts in Zoro’s scene of testing his luck against his cursed sword! It’s too cool to leave out! 😆


Forgot to mention this.. Since Garp hasn't been seen in the Anime yet, Smoker is pretty much the first Marine we've seen that seems like a decent guy. Maybe the Marines aren't all jerks, aye? He's one of my favourite characters 💪 He subtly made use of his Devil Fruit power 2 or so times in these episodes, not sure if you guys noticed 😊

desolate leng

Oda answered a reader question once about the crew drinking, and he said that he wasn't going to mention what was in the glasses too much since they're underage (drinking age in Japan is 20). But yeah, we see the crew toast Usopp when he joined, for example, and Zoro, of course, openly drinks all the time despite being 19. It's a fantasy world, after all, and they're lawless pirates in any case!

Alexiel Knight

I love that scene with the girl and her ice cream. After the other marine captains we met until then and after seeing people's reaction to smoker, you expect him to be just another villain who treats his people badly, but this scene shows that he is actually a good marine.


I agree a lot of the title names don't really give things away, but it is definitely better to get used to not reading titles because some are massive spoilers in the future