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End of the ARC!!!! 3 part special! Hope you all enjoy 




The Gaimon episode is a weird filler in the sense that it's in the manga so I see it as having some intended significance to the story or character development. IMO true filler episodes are those that are not in the manga and therefore non-canon. However depending on the filler it can deepen viewer attachment to the characters as if it were intended by the original author as most authors are not involved with anime outside the source material. Some filler though, are clearly there to put some distance between the anime and manga as the anime can quickly catch up to the source material. The quality of the animation and the writing can be... subpar. With them you can get entire multi-episode arcs of story that, though can entertaining, ultimately means little to nothing in the big picture. Though for those who want more content, more of the characters they love... it can be worth it. I personally tend to avoid fillers if I can, as I usually just want to get back to the story content. Though I will admit, I've seen some filler content that had me dying with laughter.


Oh okay thank you Jesse!!! That’s good to know! We ended up enjoying episode 18 but it definitely seemed so off the beaten path we weren’t sure! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🫶🫶


Moving on from Syrup Village! Usopp is in tow and now we head to Baratie! Prepare to see a lot of differences between the next 2 arcs and what happened in the Live Action. Baratie and Arlong Park were changed the most. Arlong Park is going to be great, but Loguetown onward is the real fun begins!