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You decide to take the helpless Green Gobbo with you! With her safely packed away in your Jar of Air (Now a Jar of Green Gobbo), you travel deeper into the Buster Waterworks. A little exploring doesn't reveal the Straight Balloon to exit from, but does reveal a treasure! But other things may be lurking...
We'll take suggestions for what to do next soon, so keep an eye out for that.




Feel so sorry for the poor girl, here’s hoping she comes out of this whole mess alright. She and her friend are probably just pawn in their queen’s plan who have no stakes in whatever’s going on anyway, minions to be used and discarded as she deems necessary. I think. Also, the PC being a brainless spaz makes a lot of sense considering who’s deciding what she does.

Grumpy Juice Demon

Great thinking! With a bit of sugar and pectin, we can make green gobbo jam.