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What is this?

I aspire to create the best WWII sandbox experience within the Fallout 4 engine. The vision is to create an environment, where you can immerse yourself in a role of a WWII soldier. You will be able to choose any faction you want and play out big chaotic battles. The soldiers will have names, reminiscent of the old Call of Duty missions, so you can follow around a random pvt. or cpl. until the bitter end.

FACTION         |      UNIFROMS       |     REPLACER      |

- Germans       |         DONE ✓        |        DONE ✓        |

- Japaneese    |    IN PROGRESS  |                               |

- USA                |         DONE ✓          |      DONE ✓        |

- USSR             |         DONE ✓         |       DONE ✓        |

- French           |                                 |                               |

- UK                  |                                 |                                |

All factions will have different class roles with high quality weapon and uniform models. Most likely there will be multiple faction replacement permutations, so you can choose to play as Axis or as Allies.

All models will also be released seperately as standalone.

Have a nice day!



Fallout 4 Modded into BATTLEFIELD V - | Ultra Graphics | No HUD |

Germans are assaulting Soviet positions. Enjoy the chaos! Link to the project: https://www.patreon.com/POVcombat



where did ya get the Panzerschreck from?


Personal port - I can release it but it won't have fitting animations.


I'll try, I haven't played around with modding a lot, but i'll see what i can do


Can I get a link to your Panzerschrek port Please

Bunker Sliver

Really good work! These must be the best WWII mods I have ever found. But I found some bugs, too. Especially the USA uniforms and some of the USSR uniforms. When I put on these, it'll crash when I use fast travel. To solve this I must take off these uniforms from me or the other NPCs, then shut down and turn on the computer. Besides, I found this bug when I started the missions of the DLC Automatron. I'm not sure whether these mods crash with this DLC. Sincerely hope you can fix this bug! (Please forgive me if there are some mistakes because English isn't my first language)


Hello, thank you for the report. I will look into it. No idea why an outfit would cause crashes on fast travel.

Bunker Sliver

Hello, thank you for your reply! I tested them today, and I found it possible crashes with the DLC Automatron. I almost use all kinds of German uniforms, however, before I started this DLC's mission, everything went OK, and after I had finished it's missions, that problem came out when I saw someone wearing these clothes. I hope this information can help you solve this bug.


This mod set is what's keeping me playing Fallout 4 every day. Amazing work friend. Currently running around with a bunch of companions blitzkrieging the Commonwealth. I have noticed there's some clipping issues on female models for the Wehrmacht helmets and the officer uniform. Most female hair models clip pretty bad on the helmet whether it's on movement or just as is, and when crouching with the officer uniform the legs show through the calf of the boots. I just didn't know the best way to let you know or if you already do and it's down the road.


I'm glad you are enjoying your time with the chaos! I pretty much do the same, haha. I'll be honest, I focus a lot more on male uniforms, so the female versions are a tad bit neglected. Thanks for the report, will try to improve the fit when I find the time 😁


Great work mate. But it seems that your mods conflict with Tactical Reload and/or Bullet Counted Reload System. Still, thank you for the high quality work.


Not sure why that would be. I dont use TR or BCR. Can you identify what the conflicting file is? Thank you


I sadly was not able to bring crash log autoscanner correctly to work, so i can´t identify the exact file. But with the TR and BCR, game crashes in Concord or the Museum of Freedom. Without these mods i had no issues. (I wanted to use the StG & Kar98 you used in your preview video)


I stopped using TR because I too would crash randomly. And this was before I ported any ww2 weapons myself, also my weapons use vanilla anims. It seems it is a very sensitive mod. After removing it I can have 50 on 50 firefights and be stable. I know it's not the answer you wanted, but it's what I experienced with the mod.


TR of course is no essential. Your mod(s) alone were worth installing the game again. So thanks for the work & the quick answer. Excited to see what’s coming next.


Thanks for making the french, been looking forward to see their skuff. will you also be making waepons for them?


Would be interesting if there was a mod that replaced the cars with those from the 30s and 40s as well


Yes, it would. I was looking into it, but there are a few problems. Mainly that such mods seem to break the previs data and have missmatched hitboxes.


Any plans for italian arsenal and uniforms ? their stuff is criminaly underrated

anthony ralph

so 3 things: 1, your mods are epic and awesome so just thank you for all the work 2, for the german raider replacer does it also affect the nuka world raiders? 3, could u make the japanese replacer replace the gunners?


Hey! I have not yet touched nuka world but the plan is to have them more desert themed.


I just joined your Patreon because of your public paratrooper release, and I'm super excited for the future of this project! If you are looking for some weapon suggestions that other modders haven't done, I'd recommend a M1919A6 machine gun and an M9 bazooka, just to round out our American options.