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Saludos y feliz año a todos, bueno chicos luego de varios meses estando ausente con el comic de nion finalmente lo he retomado, debido a este descanso he aprovechado en restructurar mejor la historia y saber cómo voy a narrarla, luego de 2 meses ausente por fin nion y la niña saiyan y Niko están de vuelta.

quiero agradecer aquellas personas que se creyeron lo del día de los inocentes y me escribieron que les preocupaba porque cancele el proyecto, cosa que eso fue mentira y la verdad a pesar que fueron pocos, enserio les preocupaba el proyecto, cosa que eso me cautivo a echarle mas ganas a este proyecto, solo quisiera poder hacer mejores fondos XD bueno en cualquier momento comienzo a publicar la siguiente página, así que chicos nion la saiyan del mechón azul a vuelto


Greetings and happy new year to all, well guys after several months being absent with the nion comic I have finally resumed it, due to this break I have taken advantage of better restructuring the story and knowing how I am going to narrate it, after 2 months absent at last nion and the saiyan girl and Niko are back.

I want to thank those people who believed what happened on April Fool's Day and wrote to me that they were worried because I canceled the project, which was a lie and the truth, even though they were few, seriously worried about the project, which captivated me. give this project more desire, I just wish I could make better backgrounds XD well at any time I start to publish the next page, so guys nion the saiyan with the blue lock is back



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