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hello everyone, I would like to give some news due to the problems of my internet (I don't know how long this will last) maybe the deliveries will be affected and I won't be able to show much progress...

fan art:

here I am very behind in owing you a lot of fanart but here I try to do the best I can because the ideas are exhausted, or I don't like what I do. but I will tell you that I have prepared some good ozaru sequences for you, one that I try to use caulifla and another will be an OC


The nion comic needs a break, maybe like a month, I'm already halfway through and I haven't structured the future chapters yet and I haven't given it agility. the goal was to finish it just THIS MONTH and it's 30 pages.

Well maybe I didn't meet the goal but there was agility so you could say it's chapter 2 part 1 and then we'll come back with part 2, I already have the script written which I think are like 30 chapters XD but it's not the same to write it what to do in comics


uff this has undoubtedly been the most tedious because look animating frame by frame is a very difficult task and I don't want to use another animation method because I don't like them. Pan ozaru's project has been very slow and I was seriously thinking about making short animations but I can't think of anything.

Well, I appreciate your patience and understanding. I will take the opportunity to have another break and I hope that this month it will already have 8 chapters of the nion comic structured.


hola a todos, quisiera dar unas noticias debido a los problemas de mi internet (no se cuanto vaya a durar esto) quizas las entrega se vean afectadas   y no podre mostrar muchos avances...


aqui estoy muy atrasado en deberles mucho fanart pero aqui trato de hacer lo mejor que puedo porque las ideas se agotaron, o no me gusta lo que hago. pero les dire que les tengo preparado unas buenas secuencias ozaru uno que trato de usar a caulifla y otro sera un OC 


el comic de nion es necesario una pausa, quizas como un mes, ya estoy por la mitad y aun no he estructurado los futuros capitulos y no le he dado agilidad. la meta era terminarlo justo ESTE MES y son 30 paginas.

bueno quizas no cumpli la meta pero si hubo agilidad asi que se podria decir que es el capitulo 2 parte 1 ya luego volvemos con la parte 2, el guion ya lo tengo escrito qu creo que son como 30 capitulos XD pero no es lo mismo escribirlo que hacerlo en comic


uff este sin duda a sido lo mas tedioso porque miren animar cuadro por cuadrio  es una tarea muy dificil y no quiero usar otro metodo de animacion porque no me gustan. el proyecto de Pan ozaru a ido muy lento y estuve pensando seriamente hacer animaciones cortas pero no se me ocurre nada.

bueno agradezco su paciencia y comprension aprovechare para tener otro descanso y espero que este mes tenga ya estructurado como 8 capitulos del comic de nion  


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