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I already have I am preparing some characters that become ozaru, I just want to know your opinion about this which character you like the most, I will not put Gine or Pan GT because if I put them, it would be very unfair for the other characters.

and well if you have a character that I have forgotten please comment on it, and a better OC.

But I warn you, I will not accept characters to make them ozaru like CHICHI (that's what Pan is for) or A18, the condition is that they have to be saiyan yes or yes



Ya vote por Caulifla pero mi voto real siempre será Gine XD


jajaj créeme que quería ponerla pero cómo dije seria un poco injusto, sin duda la transformarse todas las veces q sea necesaria y aun así no me cansaría, aunque.... me sorprende que caulifla esta ganando la adelantara y eso que es la que menos creí que superaría esta encuesta O.o


I mean can we use dragon balls? Make 18 or videl into a sayain so they grow tails and become ozaru?


Good to see Caulifla and Bra get a good bit of attention for the next fully animated Oozaru girls


I put bra and other lol an original idea I told u already like 2 or 3 Sayian girls circling around a bad guy and make the scene like KND (kids next door ) operation Doghouse and have them change differently like the one from the ruby castle movie


Scrappy Doo female version 😁


It Bra's turn to become a big monkey! 😁


Oc nion kousho or yukka


Please do both 🙏 is my idea cool enough???have the bad guy be RR army or something space related lol would love Valerie from KND( age 20 version) to b my gf 😄XD