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Without much to do, or lack of will to do anything you find yourself sitting on your throne. To your right is your aide May, she looks cute as ever. Though her dress does look a bit tighter around her bottom, it makes sense as she has been eating a bit more. In her hand you can see she is fidgeting with some prayer beads.

“Is something wrong May?”

“I don’t think so, Is there something wrong my lady?”

She is now looking at you, you can see she is now even more anxious, you should probably say something to help calm her down.

“Oh, it’s nothing. I was just thinking that you look rather cute today.”

‘Thank you! I thought that this dress looked nice! Heck-opps, sorry I didn’t mean to curse, I'm just super happy, anyways like I was about to say: that the new guard even said I looked rather cute today. I think he likes me! Or at least I hope he does, I don't know, it's so hard to tell, I mean the tone he used. Maybe he was just being friendly? Maybe he was making fun of me? I mean I know I have put on a bit of weight, it's just so hard to stay away from all of those yummy baked goods now that I have the money. Oh gosh-opps, sorry, didn’t mean to curse again. Oh goodness, I think I just psyched myself out, I was going to talk to him later today, but now I don’t know if I can. What if he was really making fun of me? Oh no, I bet he thinks I'm a pig of a woman, he probably finds me disgusting, I mean why would such a handsome guard even want to talk to a fat pig like me? I’m such a pig, all I do is eat! I have gotten so fat, what would my mother say? What would my father say? What will the rest of my family-”

Mid word she drops the beads that she was holding, they fall off to her side, away from you.

“Oh shoot”

She turns to pick up the beads she dropped, and you now have a great view of her soft rear. You can see that her dress is rather strained, she might want to be carefull or it might rip as she is bending over. Right after having this thought she bends over to pick up the beads, she gets almost all the way bent over when the ripping starts. You watch as the threads tear apart, quickly her white flesh takes the opportunity to pour out, this only increases the rate and size of the tear quickly forming. The sound this makes is quite audible, she freezes in place.

“W-w-what was that sound? P-please don’t tell me my dress ripped, please, please. I can’t have put on that much weight!”

She slowly comes to a standing position, most of her soft ass is now fully exposed. The only thing covering her ass is her underwear, which doesn't cover much. She turns so her exposed ass is facing the wall behind your throne, her face is bright red, you think you can see the start of tears forming in her eyes.

What do you want to say to her?

[[Compliment her ass]]-You will need to have high charm to work

[[Comfort her]]

[[Be mean to her]]

[[Comfort her over a nice meal]]


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