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So, a confession.  I posted our little YouTube rant on Saturday and in my head I just thought "Saturday: Posted" and it turns out that you didn't get to see Georgia in all her glory in her uncut stockings haul!  

But never fear, good things come to those who wait - VERY good things in fact.  Here's the full and uncut version of Georgia's haul, and trust me, it's well worth waiting for!


TOC Ep132 Georgia Stockings UNCUT

TOC Ep132 Georgia Stockings UNCUT



Georgia's Happy Valentine's Day 💘 My Love 🍷💕🍷


Georgia is always a show. I can say that I enjoyed every second, every moment. I can say that Georgia does everything not only erotically, but also playfully. But I’ll tell you one thing, Georgia, even impotent people get excited from the way you do everything.