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So, we said we had something special lined up for you today and we weren't kidding!

Back in October this year, we invited the beautiful Alex Rose into the studio to help us record a test shoot for what, at the time, was potentially going to be a second channel for us - either Yoga Central or Workout Central.

Alex came along in her workout gear to record a quick exercise demo for us, just to see how the format, along with camera angles and lighting would work.  She recorded the full workout for us in her sexiest gymwear, we then taped the whole thing again in lingerie, and maybe, just maybe we asked her to repeat a few exercises for us without the lingerie too ;-)

This test recording has never been seen before.....until now.  As our Christmas present to you, we'd like to share this exclusive footage and ask for your honest feedback.  If this ever did launch in some form it'd be completely separate to TOC and wouldn't change any of the format or posts here, but as our loyal supporters we thought we'd give you an exclusive look, and to ask the question: would you like to see more??



WOC Ep1 Alex Test Shoot

WOC Ep1 Alex Test Shoot


Ian Fleming

Would I like to see more? Yes. Yes, I would, The concept certainly has potential. And, as a name, I would go for Workout Central. As it covers a larger range of activities/movements and associated athletic wear. Plus, everyone wants to get into shape for the New Year; never a better time to launch something like this. Which reminds me, a Happy Christmas to TOC, to all of the gorgeous ladies who have sat upon the TOC couch, and to all of my fellow Patreon patrons. Season's Greetings to each and everyone of you.


Love to see naked work out videos and lingerie. thank you ( Merry Christmas) Try -On- Central