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With Christmas just around the corner and New Years Eve less than a fortnight away, we're already thinking about ways to grow our little channel in 2024!  We've got some ideas in mind, but you guys and gals, our loyal Patreon following, are in charge around here and we'd love to hear your thoughts.

As many of you will remember, we used to run polls and votes regularly for you all to vote on your favourite models, but this time we're asking for your open-ended feedback on everything from models and themes to formats and posting frequency, you name it!

Some themes we'd be interested to hear from you on are:

MODELS!  Who would you like to see more of?  Who have you seen elsewhere that you think would fit in nicely on the famous couch?

THEMES!  We'd love to branch out in 2024 and review some new items along different themes.  Do you want to see more stockings and tights for example?  Less swimwear?  More lingerie?  We're all ears.

FORMATS!  We still post long-form 15 minute reviews; is longform content your bag, or would you prefer shorter reviews posted more often?

LOCATION!  These days we bring everybody to our lovely custom built studio.  Some of you will remember the old days of models sending in their own videos shot at home.  We're going to look at bringing you a couple more of these in January as we search for the next TOC couch regulars, but is this something you want to see more of?

FREQUENCY!  We post new reviews twice a week - with a Backstage Pass, First Look and Uncut version that means you get new posts 6 days a week.  How's that working for you?

BENEFITS!  We have three tiers right now - a base tier to see all of our uncut hauls, a Backstage Pass tier to see exclusive content and previews of every review, and a Guest Director tier to choose your own models and hauls and receive shout-outs and dedications.  Any feedback on the tiers or what you'd like to see as a reward for each?  Let us know!

We've got some fun things planned for the next few weeks as we go through the holiday period and into 2024, so look out for some exclusive content here that won't be getting shown over on YT!  

But as always, this channel would NOT exist without YOU.  If you're reading this, you're why we're here.  Yes our YouTube videos get tens of thousands of views but they are NOT monetized; we don't earn ad revenue because of our "risque" content.  If it wasn't for you guys, we wouldn't still be going.  So THANK YOU so much for your support, it means the world to us.  Please do take a minute to leave your feedback in a comment (or message me directly!) so that we can continue to make TOC your favouite place to be! xxxxxxx



Also, on locations shoots outdoors or on a balcony (weather permitting) can look good with natural lighting. Think about shooting swimwear next to a pool?


How about slingshot bikini with Megan or crutches lingerie