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Hello and welcome to our brand new home!  We hope you like what we've done with the place.  And first to grace our new set is the beautiful Alex Rose.  This week she's brought along her collection of bodysuits - all her own, all from home, and in this exclusive Backstage Pass preview you'll get to take a look at her favourite two.  Enjoy! 💜


TOC Ep97 Alex Bodysuits BTS v2

TOC Ep97 Alex Bodysuits BTS v2


Ian Fleming

Oh, you've redecorated, I don't like it... I LOVE IT. The All-New, All-Different TOC is going to be so much fun. Bless you all! Plus, Alex looks very fetching in (and out of) her bodysuits. Also, also, top marks for including the model's socials. Very handy.


Damn you have a pretty body my love 👄🦋👄