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Our dynamic duo are back in town this weekend, and here's your exclusive first look at tomorrow's brand new review.  This time in honour of the weather getting slightly nicer they brought along some sexy swimwear to show us, and we certainly weren't disappointed!  Look out for the full, uncut version which drops tomorrow, but in the meantime - enjoy! 💜


Ep50 Zara Jordan Swimwear YOUTUBE

Ep50 Zara Jordan Swimwear YOUTUBE


Kevin Olmos

Wow 50th episode! Congratulations TOC! Keep on going! What an excellent way to have Zara and Jordan for the 50th episode. 😃 So great to see those two beautiful ladies again. Another great haul from them! Jordan - those one-piece swimwear looks really great on her. They're all so nice! My favorite would be the zebra print bikini. It looks so hot and amazing on her and really showcases her fantastic body so well. 😍 Zara - The 1st, 2nd, and last ones are my favorites. They look really cute on her and especially the light pink one at the end, so gorgeous. 😍👍


I know! 50 episodes already, where has the time gone! We're already busy making plans for the next 50, and we're open to ideas of what to do for our 100th!! 💜

Kevin Olmos

I got an idea for the 100th, maybe have all the ladies from TOC do a big lingerie try-on haul altogether? Like all the ladies together doing a try-on haul.


I mean, that'd be pretty awesome wouldn't it. That idea is certainly going onto the whiteboard! 👌

Ian Fleming

Happy 50th! We've come so far in such a short span of time. These (pretty much daily) uploads were a blessing during the depths of winter and, when I broke my ankle in March, leaving me housebound for weeks, a much appreciated distraction. Congratulations to one and all. Here's to the next 50 and the 50 after that. Cheers.

Ian Fleming

I second Kevin's suggestion. You could even have a bit of fun and turn the event into a party game - who can get undressed and dressed the quickest? Might be a laugh. I don't know.