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Wow, January just flew by didn’t it - due in part to our double-content month? I think so too 😉

So what’s happening in February? Well for starters, Samii is back! Her first review drops on Weds 1st Feb and you don’t want to miss it!

Georgia is returning too! New reviews from Georgia coming very soon.

A Valentines Special is in the works, and it’ll be one to look out for - all of the best sexy lingerie for the season will be reviewed right here.

Finally, we’ll be welcoming more new faces and returning reviewers throughout Feb and March, with more chances to vote and some more surprises along the way.

Thanks so much for your support, we truly appreciate it. It’s no secret that we’ve lost some Patrons recently - January is a long expensive month, but we’re so thankful for you all choosing to stick around, and if you’re leaving us soon we really hope to see you back here again in the not too distant future! 💜


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