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Guess who's back!  

It's Georgia, kicking off the new year in style by showing off some of her favourite slinky bodysuits.  This is your exclusive first-look for the video that goes live on YouTube tomorrow, and don't forget - from now on you'll get access to the full uncensored, uncut version right here on Wednesday at the same time that this vid goes out on YT.  Enjoy!


TOC Ep11 - Georgia Bodysuits YOUTUBE

TOC Ep11 - Georgia Bodysuits YOUTUBE


Ian Fleming

A tantalising teaser before the main event tomorrow. Although, thinking about Georgia's intro, the part before we got to the bodysuits, we don't tend to see many try-ons featuring bottom-hugging denim jeans and tight tops. I really liked that part too.


Great idea for a review! It’s a balancing act at the moment putting the right content out on YouTube that will get seen - they get really uptight as soon as you mention “lingerie” or “bikini” so I can’t see them taking issue with a tight jeans and tops try-on :-) We’ve also had a suggestion for yoga pants / workout clothing! All good ideas for when we shoot our Feb reviews!

Ian Fleming

No worries at all. I totally understand that you have to go with what works. ;) So, with that being said, just think of my comment above as nothing more than me expressing my appreciation.