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2024 Content poll

  • Story 1: Ascension 88
  • Story 2: Wrestling matches 73
  • Story 3: Catgirl 41
  • Keep on working 100% on the Passion storyline 51
  • 2024-01-01
  • 253 votes
{'title': '2024 Content poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Story 1: Ascension', 'votes': 88}, {'text': 'Story 2: Wrestling matches ', 'votes': 73}, {'text': 'Story 3: Catgirl', 'votes': 41}, {'text': 'Keep on working 100% on the Passion storyline', 'votes': 51}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 1, 12, 49, 29, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 253}


Hey guys!

A new year has just begun and I'd like to thank you all for the support. Please keep on giving your feedback about my content, it's very important to me.

So, what is this poll about? As you know, my main stories are all connected. It's been 2 years since I created this universe but the end of the story is still far away.

Meanwhile, I'm writing a lot of new stories, like "Ascension", but I've realized it's almost impossibile for me to work both on those and the "Passion universe". So I'd like to post some stand alone stories every now and then instead of the regular ones

What do you think about it?

Please vote for your favorite story or pick the last option if you want me to fully focus on the usual ones.

Story 1 (Ascension) : Ellie wants to dominate men but she's just too short. One day she realizes she's growing taller with just the power of her mind. Things start slowly but with the help of her friend Phil she learns to control her new skill.

Story 2: A boy and a girl fall in love with each other during a greco-roman wrestling match. The boy wins the match cause he's heavier, taller and stronger than the girl. They live a little far from each other and they meet every couple of weeks. As time passes by things start to change...  it turns out she's still a growing girl and every time they meet she's a little bigger so it's getting harder and harder to beat her in their casual matches. (I feel like working on this right now, I'm very inspired)

Story 3: This story has a dark/horror mood. A man finds a creature in the trash near his house.  It seems to be a small girl with cat ears, not bigger than a small dog in  very bad condition. He brings her inside to take care of her. As soon as she starts to feel better he realizes she loves to have "physical contact" with him. In a couple of weeks it turns out he's in big trouble and he can't escape from the now-not-so-small catgirl



While you're taking feedback, is there any chance you could run a poll about the amount of muscle growth in your content? Maybe I'm in the minority, but it really isn't my jam and it's not why I fell in love with your content way back in the day on Giantess City. It almost feels like it's in every story you produce now. That's my $0.02 anyway, and no disrespect is intended. A poll would at least gauge your supporters' feelings about it.


Hey, that's not disrespect at all, don't worry about it. I never did a poll about it for 2 reasons. The first is that I already have an idea about how many of you like fmg and how many don't. It's pretty easy to know it if I look at the likes and requests about home gym and the other stories. I think you're split in half more or less. The second reason is that I like fmg now. My taste about women has changed a lot since the giantess city times, when I used to make all the girls skinny with big boobs. I don't want to burn out again and the best way to avoid it is to work on the things I like the most at the moment. I hope you can still enjoy my stories. As you can see there are a lot of girls who aren't going to bulk up: Ivy, Haley, Claire, Himiko, Eva... Ascension and Catgirl are stories without fmg too...