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Long live the new schedule!

Friends, the problems with the last video have made me think about what kind of channel I want, what kind of creator I am, and what kind of schedule I should keep.

There are many great YouTubers who have a very fast-paced schedule. I'm sure you can think of a few. But they do this by doing less in-depth content: Reaction videos, commentaries, news of the week, streaming etc. I don't want to do that kind of thing, and if I keep my old schedule, I'll be forced to do more of that, and less of the kind of videos I love.


So what IS the new schedule? Approximately monthly, but I'm not going to hold myself to it strictly, if the video is bad, I won't publish that day. If it needs more research, or I need to learn more about the philosophy of mathematics (to pick a random example) then I will keep learning.

My goal is to deliver to you the same high quality, but in fewer, denser, videos.

My YouTube hero is CGP Grey. You may very well have seen one of his stick-figure educational videos. Grey disappears for months at a time as he becomes literally the WORLD EXPERT in a niche topic, and then spends further months writing the most perfect video on it. The man is a machine!

(BTW: GREY's YouTube hero is Yahzee from Zero Punctuation, and you can see the art style influence clearly, if nothing else.)


While we're here, I'll let you know what you might have guessed from trends over time: I'm giving up host-read advertising. It was one of the reasons I couldn't postpone the last video, as I was working with the advertiser. To be clear: I think they would have let me off - but *I* wanted the money, so I rushed out something bad. This is a conflict of interest that I'm going to cut out.

I have you, my valued patrons and mentees, to support me, and I'm so grateful.


Looking back at my previous videos, the ones I'm most proud of are the ones where I'm passionate about the topic and fanatical about making the most perfect video on all of YouTube. That's what I'm going to focus on now. 

No video this week, but I have started writing September's video, and I'm really excited by it!

Thank you so much for your support, and I'd love to know your thoughts,

Tris <3



Definitely support the quality over quantity approach. There's plenty of reaction videos available already, but I rarely learn anything from ThePrimeagen, say, while I almost always learn something from your videos.


Thank you so much for the vote of confidence, Daniel. I find ThePrimeagen very entertaining, and he's obviously a very smart and experienced guy, but that kind of content is certainly not for me.