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I have used many note-taking tools over the years, simple-note, notion, and extensively emacs org-mode, none have improved my thinking in the way that Obsidian has.

Today is a deep-dive into my second brain, and if you take my advice, YOUR second brain.


I wasn't supposed to do this video this fortnight - I had planned to do a video extolling the virtues of using the vim keybindings everywhere (in browsers, non-vim editors, spotify clients etc etc). But I realised that I finally HAD to do my long-promised Obsidian video!

If you have space in your life for a digital note-taker, or a second brain, you owe it to yourself to try it!

Thank you all for your support, talk to you next time! <3




Other than that, do you plan to make a video about obsidian plugins for developers? In org-mode it's extremely easy to link to code files and also using babel you can actually run code, is there anything like this in obsidian aside from jupyter integration?


Yeah! There's been many of requests for my own plugin setup and workflow - my workflow is in such flux that I'll have to do that when it's settled down!


Thank you for this video and bringing obsidian to our attention. Started using obsidian and did a lot of cleanup of my Google Drive. Like it so far and damn these plugins are awesome!


My pleasure! The plugins are WILD aren't they? Every time I go searching I find 5 that could revolutionise my workflow XD