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After the astonishing response to yesterday's announcement (hello new folks, looking forward to meeting you!) the Mentoring tier is now fully booked! (15/15).

Some of you have asked if I could open up more slots, and while I may do that in the future, to keep the quality high, and to not overflow my time with mentoring, I must keep the limits as they are for now.

Though the mentoring tiers is a huge part of my plan for being a Professional Online Person this year, I have yet to quit my day job. When I do, after testing this income stream for a few months, I will have the time to open up more slots, perhaps to 20. It'll always be a very exclusive service.

HOWEVER those of you waiting for slots, watch this space (and i mean literally - press the 'follow' button if you're not already a patron on another tier, and you'll get notifications of my updates)

At least once a week I will post a mentoring update, shouting if there are free slots. I also will mention it in each video.


If you are really keen, you should check back here from Thursday - Monday, the days I mentor, as people may have dropped off after finishing their session. (This is extremely normal, some folks only need a quick word and an hour will do, and some will decide that the mentoring isn't for them, and I wish them well on their journey.)


Thanks to every one of my patrons, I would not be here still doing this without your support!