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Hi folks, here's this week's preview video, following on from the first wasm video, focussing on how to build web-native apps, unconstrained by the browser!

I'd love to know what you think, either commenting here or over on the discord in the private #vip-no-boilerplate channel.

Many thanks!


[patreon early access] Web-native Rust (what will you build?)

Let me know what you think! This is my follow-up video on rust and wasm. Do check out part one, if you haven't already. All my videos are built in compile-checked markdown, transcript sourcecode available here https://github.com/0atman/noboilerplate Corrections are in the pinned ERRATA comment. Start your Rust journey here: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/ CREDITS & PROMO My name is Tris Oaten and I produce fast, technical videos. Follow me here https://twitter.com/0atman Website for the show: https://noboilerplate.org Come chat to me on my discord server: https://discord.gg/mCY2bBmDKZ If you like sci-fi, I also produce a hopepunk podcast narrated by a little AI, videos written in Rust! https://www.lostterminal.com If urban fantasy is more your thing, I also produce a podcast of wonderful modern folktales https://www.modemprometheus.com Special thanks to my patreon sponsors: - Affax And to all my patrons!


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