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I've been working on a plugin for Patreon to make content distribution easier and more secure, and as a side effect of how it works, the programmer and I realized that we can use it as a bot to automatically parse the Patron list and manage password access to external websites.

Basically, this allows me to add access to SexyFur.com as a Patron reward. And it opens up the whole thing to PayPal.

This would require some minor tweaking of the reward tiers to fit it in somewhere. So, I'm curious to hear your opinions on it. If it were offered, would you use it? Would you prefer SexyFur and Patreon to remain separate things altogether? Do you think it's better to place Sexyfur access at a lower tier and the high res files as a higher tier, or to place the high res files lower and SexyFur as an added bonus for higher tiers (sort of keeping the high res stuff as a bonus without the requirement to pay for SexyFur first)? Positive? Negative? I want to hear it all, so please let me know.



If it doesnt interfere with business, I wouldnt mind it. I always enjoy the content on Sexyfur. I would definitely go with aforementioned proposal. I worry though that the higher res rewards will be kind of moot if they get published on Sexyfur though.


From a purely financial standpoint on my end, I think I would use Patreon to access SexyFur. I already pay for both, so if it is possible for me to cut one bill but still use both services, then yes, I would absolutely take it, as then I could save money and support the art for an even longer period. I would say put it on one of the higher tiers, though. I wouldn't want to cut my payment to SF if I really would also be cutting the paychecks of the artists there that I like. If anything, make it mid tier. I think it's a good idea, though.


To clarify, the high res and layered stuff would remain only on Patreon.

Bruce W

It would depend on how it was implemented (tiers and pricing) to me. Right now I am max Patreon, no SexyFur and pretty much content.


I'm all for integration, and PayPal on Sexyfur would be a major improvement in my eyes, though I would prefer that Sexyfur access be integrated into Patreon in two ways: 1. Tier SF as a standalone tier if possible, as somewhat of an "add-on" if, say, someone doesn't want high-res access, yet still wants SF access. 2. Have a standalone high-res + SF access that is separate from high-res, designed to act as a simple "everything" tier. Also, what about Tailheat? I know it's not your primary gallery platform, but its integration would be appreciated.


Coming from an older SF Subscriber I would love to see this happen, as the current sub is roughly $27 it would have to stay in the $30 tier, and for the extra $4-5 over the SF sub it's a great addition to have VIDs Highres etc. I thoroughly enjoy the content I have access to as it is especially the Speedpaint. Since my wheel was picked for the sketch I just keep it up higher to give out more money that I can afford XD (added bonus would be tailheat, never subbed there before)

Robert (dark441)

i just jused SF to see your art but now iam here so no i dont use sf anymore iam here to support you


I'm willing to bet there will be a consensus on wondering about what the price point is for the new structure and tiers.. I doubt anyone would dislike the functionality from a strictly technological standpoint, but certainly if it costs more to maintain the current benefits they have.. So I guess, I would want to see how this pans out as far as price tiers?


No offense to the other artists, I only ever paid for sexyfur to get your art. Scappo's was nice too but got to be more rare then yours


So this will somewhat overlap with what others have said, but I've only ever subbed to SexyFur for your art, and at the full price I historically wouldn't stay a sub forever and subbed on an off. With you on Patreon I have been able to get exactly what I wanted and more, for only $7 a month. I do like Scappo and the other artists so having access to Sexyfur at the same price point or slightly more ($10 seems fine) as long as the other perks at this tier stay the same. The problem is that that makes subbing to SexyFur a bad deal and breaks the model, so that'd have to accompany some sort of price change on the SexyFur side to work. Otherwise I think adding it as an additional perk to the higher tier rewards makes the most sense. I would be upset if the existing rewards at my tier were replaced with access to SexyFur and what I get now became significantly more expensive, though $7 ongoing access to SexyFur seems pretty legit. As a final thought... Adding it as an incentive for higher tiers might improve the value prop enough to make people like me spend more though. :)


Truth is I've wanted to peruse Sexyfur.com for years, but was always off put by the cost of access (largely because I couldn't afford it, and while it's a compromise, it's easy to find plenty of free good quality porn out there.) A Patreon tier which offers access to the site may be similarly expensive, hell if I know I'm not the one deciding the price for entry, but it would be an incentive to consider it more seriously.


For me it would ultimately depend on the costs for access. I'm unsure if I would pay more for sexyfur access from the tier I'm already on as I'm already paying a decent amount. Maybe you could explore the idea of setting a donation goal via Patreon that could unlock additional access if reached.


Right now, Patreon is pretty much 100% Bernal Art, while SF has guest artists and comics. To avoid confusion, leave them as they are in regards to content, but offer discounts for using both. Example: $30 Patreons get access to both places. Both sites should have High Res files should be offered on both sites, but Patreon should have higher resolution files (350dpi or higher) for those of us who have 4k + screens.


I like the discount concept. I have had an active sexyfur account since 03/04 with an occasional hiccup here and there when credit cards changed.

Supreme Overlord Llama

I would do Higher Res files and Sexyfur as two separate tiers maybe and then have Bigger tier where they are both combined. I defiantly do not want to see Higher res files in higher tier regardless on what you do decide.


I would suggest making the 30 dollar reward include sexyfur. I don't want to lose highres ($15). The $25-$30, is a little lite on rewards especially for those of us who can't be around for wheel picks.


I think it's an amazing idea cause I've always from time to time over the years am on and off with the SexyFur subscription, cause of the main reason off costs and stuff like that and it was for your art primarily and a few others, thats why i love this platform cause i can support you directly but i think it would be awsome to have both under 1 payment and being able to access SexyFur again, i miss going to your main site, i think it would suit being a higher tier thing like the $30 or up as kinda like a perk\incentive to aim higher in supporting you more even though seeing your art should be reason enough ^^, on a side note it's just an idea but if it was able to be made a loyalty thing, cause a concern would be pirates and it would be a good way as to help stop pirates just using the tier on the 1 off to gain access to sexyfur and yours and others content.


my ever growing issue is i have a sub to your patreon AND sexyfur and then im constently assaulted by other artists i enjoy having their own patreon as well.. and my sever lack of funds to just throw money at everyone for awesome art /cry


TBH, I would not use it. I had a SF account for years, but I got it because I wanted to see your art, not any of the other artists stuff (even good as some of they were). Soon as I switched here, I killed the SF account and I have no plans to go back.