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I spent most of the day jury-rigging my roto-zip tool to cut large circles, so I could make a thing that holds my iPad Pro like it's an animation disk. It fits perfectly into my old Warner table. Only thing I didn't do to fit it better is make a channel for the power cord, but I can always do that later with a router.

Seeing as I figured out how to stream the iPad desktop, I plan on using it more since it's got a much faster feel for things like inking and flats.




That is awesome. Well made sir.


New Apple Work Table . Cost 20,000 $ ;)


Hmm. Google doesn't turn up anything similar. I'm surprised -- this could be a thing.


There was a kickstarter a couple years back that made something similar called the "animation dock" but they are not making them anymore.


You figured out a way to stream to Picarto directly from your iPad without needing your computer?


No, I still need to stream it through the computer. Basically this program Reflector runs on your stream machine, and fools your ipad into thinking it is an Apple TV, which allows it to share its desktop. That window, you can then use in your regular stream. There is a livestream app that lets you stream straight from the ipad, but it doesnt let you use desktop capture. Which sucks. Because it *can* stream to Picarto.