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I didn't post these earlier because I was catching pirates. The leak has been purged.




good riddance....

Freeze Frame

While I understand people disliking piracy, i would not be supporting your work without it. Some of the first furry art i every saw was pirated from sexy fur. As a teenager with no credit card (and no source of income) downloading images off of Kazaa on my dial up internet was honestly the best way of finding furry art. The only other options at the time were sites such as VCL, which i didn't discover until much later. They were great, but not super user friendly (especially on dial up). Almost all of the artists that i support currently on patreon, i initially sampled through pirated art on u18chan. It was a great way of seeing whether or not the creators art was worth my money. While i still browse u18chan and the like, i enjoy supporting the artists and it's great having the art as soon as it's released. I am not saying that my experience is representative of all people that pirate content. There are definitely people out there that just don't care about supporting the artists. I just felt the need to say that piracy has its benefits, and that it's directly resulted in me becoming a fan of your art and a supporter of your patreon.

Ghost Commander

To hell with the pirates and awesome work!!!! Dawn is sexy!!!!


I second this, actually. I was first exposed to Jeremy's amazing art via piracy, when I was too young to have a credit card. Now I am a member of both Patreons, and have a Dawn figurine on my shelf. I also had one of the original runs of Orchid, but she broke (Heartbreaking)