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Adult coloring books seem to be getting a lot of press lately and I was thinking, "What if there was an ADULT adult coloring book?"

Would you buy one? I'm thinking a comic-book format B&W book of a bunch of my lineart from the past few years. Maybe a few guest art spots.

Make your opinion known HERE.




Thatd be cool. It would be cool to have good references and practice for shading.


I'm on board with the idea. Would make for good practice!


Yes but I think the price point is important. If I'm paying $25-30 or more I would rather have a print book where you do it infinitely better than I can.


I am on board with the idea, but I would pay more if it was exclusively your art; though not to belittle the other very talented Sexyfur artists, your stuff just does so much more for me.

Bruce W

Are we talking about a PRINTED coloring book? Because on FA I have seen a couple of artists handing out DIGITAL LINES. A digital b&w lines comic book would be cool! Obviously this is my 2 cents.


What did you have in mind for size, format, stuff like that? One page for each of the SF girls is a given-- the primary ones anyway-- but beyond that, would it come down to voting? Bidding? Bernal's depraved mind? And will there be JBurgers?


That would be cool, im in ^^, on a side note I know its a different subject but will there be a time where we will be able to get some of your latest works as prints cause that would be awesome :3


I too am in.


I think it's an awesome idea! :) I'd totally buy something like that from you. Perhaps it could leave you more time to draw many different scenes and characters. ^^


I totally would but I wouldn't color in it because my coloring skills are garbage and would ruin the awesome artwork :(


I could get behind that


id buy it just like that poster

Claudija Tzandrapova

cool idea would it be in digital, paperback or both formats? Would we get an exclusive first look to buying or would that be shared with Sexyfur and Tail heat members being that we're all paying per month roughly the same amount? I recall you auctioned off a book of your sketches for the American Red Cross via Furbid so how are you going to make up the digital book with the majority of those original lines now gone and, being some of us are international like me: how would you market it so we could have a chance at buying too as Furbid only sells to the US....