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I would really like to stream. Seriously. It puts a sort of accountability on me to get things done and provides just enough distraction interacting with people that it keeps work from getting boring. BUT...

The internet here sucks. There are literally no options. The bureaucracy of getting land line installed has crumbled upon itself to the point where they LITERALLY LOST THE GUY who is supposed to be doing the infrastructure study for how they will put in the line. There are no words in English to convey the stupidity of the situation.

I am stuck on this 5g hotspot thing which, when it works, works well, but it's disconnecty a lot and it is prone to going from 20mbps upload speed to 8600 baud at a whim. It doesn't work well for streaming.

I was supposed to have MuskNet in SPAAAAACE already but that got pushed back to "Spring 2022" hopefully in a couple of months I can start streaming again on a regular basis instead of "does the 5g work well enough? no? yes? no. well shit." It's a big letdown to get all prepped for an art stream and then the thing is choking to death trying to sizequeen the data into a tiny pipe.

Any solutions you can think of that might work well for offline WHEEL stuff or general streamy stuff, please let me know. Paintstorm now has a speedpaint recording feature that works pretty well, so I can at least provide that stuff again to those who want to see it.


Vyse Dyne

Damn, now I feel the need to song parody this XD


Hi JB, i do make my streams directly on discord and it generally works nicely most of the time. But i assume that's the same problem no matter the platform might be :(


If it's just temporary for a couple of months, I feel like taking the permanent wheel suggestions and creating a few Patreon polls for folks (probably $7 or higher) to vote on what should be drawn would create some fun interaction while we're waiting for it. Something like the top 5 get a sketch, and then conspiracy votes on what gets colored like usual? People can at least drop comments with their ideas and such for the winning sketches like they normally do in chat.


Discord is always an option, maybe put screenshots there if internet is too slow for streams, people chat there, there's streaming options there


sweet, that means you'll get the v2 Dishy. :P Been testing the v1 version for a few months now, and it's pretty solid all things considered. Hella better upload speeds and comparable download speeds to the DSL cable modem service I had before.