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I really shouldn't have to keep saying this stuff, BUT... people are turds.

Please don't post my stuff in public forums! I work hard to provide good art for those who support me. My life is not a charity. I need to eat. I got bills to pay and people and animals to feed.

You also pay your hard earned money to see me make art, and when people spam the content online it devalues not just my effort put into said art but it devalues the contribution you fans have made. It's disrespectful to artist and fan alike.

Seeing my work spammed all over the internet makes me wonder why I bother doing anything at all, to be blunt. Every day I have less and less patience and this shit just makes me want to put down my pen and walk the fuck away.

If you are plagued with excessively low IQ, demonically possessed, or are being held at gunpoint by strange masked terrorists who demand that you MUST spam my stuff all over the internet upon pain of death, at least have the decency to put a link on it where people can find my work and maybe become a customer.



100% agreed. I really love your art and now that I have a decent income myself, I am completely able and happy to support you and haven't shared anything. That said I never would have discovered you 17+ years ago were it not for leaks/sharing like this, so I do think there is merit to having some things be posted publicly. I have seen a lot of artists be fairly successful advertising by posting the tame/teaser, censored, or low res variant of their works proactively to various social media, but I'm not sure if that's something you want to bother with. AromaSensei is a good example, she is on reddit regularly posting the first couple of images from the album/comics she makes, and directing folks to her Patreon for the xxx stuff.


That’s really really suck mate ☹️ I am really sorry to hear that. Unfortunately those ungrateful/disrespect people doesn’t know the meaning of stealing other people hard works.

The Guard LW

Your regular patreon stuff doesnt have that stego option?


The brats on some websites posted ways to remove it, so i think there's need to be a few other ways to mark images. The problem is - it's complicated due to amount of patrons JB have. Stegostamp works well, but beggars and ignorant turds don't sleep. And marking images for every patron...A nightmare. Few years ago i was developing a QR-code automatic pattern for @gmails but this goes not further than my personal amusement. It's still long before ready.

The Guard LW

It can be automated I think? But yeah, theres ways to undo it, which sucks azz.


The good way to distribute content is also a physical-only copy like Hitoshi Natsume did. But this way have lots of down sides obviously and won't not prevent piracy.


They have no job and no money - but free time and corrupt minds. So, yeah. It's sad.

The Guard LW

What I question is who is it that has a subscription and is leaking them, or who is hacked.


That sucks! So sorry people do this shit. :(


Very sorry to see it, as ever, the awful people are determined to ruin things for everyone else.


People that do that are the reason why the rest of us "can't have nice things for very long." I do hope that you're able to get this resolved to safeguard your business interests for anything in the future for sure. Been a long time fan and have happily paid my support to help "keep your projects funded." I hate seeing stuff like this happen as it only screws over the artist and fans willing to support the artist(s) as you said above.


This is pretty much my story too. I discovered you before I could legally own a credit card. Now that I am a functional adult with money, I will be supporting you till the end. But I would never have discovered you without the free stuff going around. A double edge sword indeed but I hope your support keeps growing.


Plus there is sexyfur leaks from time to time. We can only hope they fail somehow and JB catch them. Traitors everywhere and it's so bad.


Just the other day I saw art from another person on Reddit. I told them and they said there is nothing that can be done. I'm aware that mods in individual subs may not care, but can we report this sort of stuff to the site, or something?


plain stupid you save to hardrive just to post copy righted mats on social media to do what have a cheap cloud backup