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Since the new pay-it-forward billing is now in place, this is a weird gray zone as far as getting content out to you guys--

* The people who pledged at the beginning of the month have not yet been billed and will be billed on the 1st of June.

* The new arrivals have been billed when they arrived.

* The people who pledged the previous month already have access to the dropbox since that's how I've been doing it. (but everyone else does not)

So, I have to switch things around a little bit in regards to content release so that it's better organized and not leaving anyone behind.

New work will go up as it is completed, which I have been doing, but new folks previously would have had no access to it until the billing cycle had completed. That will now change-- new pledges will have immediate access. I'll try to get the art folders cleaned up and dropboxed within a day or two of finishing the work, if not the same day.

I have also upped the dropbox capacity to hold more data, so longer-term archives are now possible. A lot of people have been asking me about back-issue stuff, and I have been putting off getting back to them until I figured out a fair way to do this without them paying for stuff they would get anyways. So here's how I will do it:

* New and current pledges will have access to stuff going back 4 months.

* after 4 months is up, that material will go into the archives, and be available for back-issue purchase at a 15% discounted rate.

So let's try this and see how it goes. If anyone has input or ideas for making it better, please let me know.


Ghost Commander

Where is the "pay now" option? Just curious.


Pretty sure it just charges you right away when you pledge.

Ghost Commander

no, actually it's saying I don't get charged until June 1st


That only works if you started the pledge after May 16th when the forward billing was activated. If you already pledged earlier, resetting the pledge doesn't work, it will still be June 1st.

Ghost Commander

oh ok.....thanks for the advice