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I’ve been busy with prep work at the Grass Lair, so I apologize for not having been terribly engaging this past month. I’m here now, dealing with some major stuff. The old well has been revived and I have arrived with a bunch of stuff for that, and the lair in general. This weekend i plan to construct a shed which will keep the well hardware sheltered from the harsh Florida elements, and provide a properly sloped roof ideal for solar power collection. Since i have no pond but i do have a hole drilled all the way down through the aquifer to Hell itself, the idea is that no matter what, the herd of roaming meats will always have a self-replenishing tub of water.

Tomorrow I go to the Florida state fair to scout some Dexter cows. Monday I head oop north to retrieve the new hand-me-down USAF golf cart which will serve as general farm runabout and turd hauler. Sometime next week i will be back at the Swamp Lair and can get some more  actually-paying-work done. We need to replenish the sketchpile with more Wheel.

May is the month that the shit will hit the fan for me. Site leveling, septic install, running water and electric and pouring of foundations. The house will get trucked in in its various sections for assembly. This is all supposing we get the building permits we’ve already been waiting for since January. I have literal recurring nightmares that the house arrives before we have building permits and nothing has been done, just a pile of dirt, big plastic poop tanks, and 3 truckloads of sad looking house chunks. Everyone just shrugs and walks away leaving me there to fend for myself, because a piece of paper hasn’t been signed somewhere. I wake up heart pounding and covered in sweat.

There’s so much deeply wrong with this whole situation even being possible. But this is my life. I guess the TLDR version of this is: please be patient over the next month because I’ll be swamped at the Grass Lair.

Hopefully it will all be worth it when i finally have a moment to relax on my shiny new Toyo Washlet heated seats and drop my first deuce into the virgin septic system.



Best of luck Jeremy, hope it all works out well!

David Ewell

Here's hoping all goes according to plan, IITC