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I am going on vacation, completely unplugged for a month, starting tomorrow (the 18th). I will be back more or less around the 15th of April.

I realize that during this time, the Patron rewards will come and go. Fear not, doling out the rewards will be the first thing I do when I get home.

For new pledges: sorry but you'll have to wait until I get back; I wish there was a way to automate this but unfortunately there is not. Rest assured you will get what you pay for and then some, since you will be getting basically 3 months worth of stuff for one month's pledge.

For old pledges: You will find that the dropbox has been updated with all the files from the massive work marathon I have been doing up to this point. I'll resume new art stuff once I get back. 

Thanks for your patronage! Hopefully I am not eaten by pumas and penguins!



have fun JB, watch out for them pumas


Stay safe, dude! Hope you enjoy your time off. :)


Enjoy the vaca dude! See you in the streams when you get back.


Have fun and enjoy your vacation.

Dakota Lesmercy (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-30 14:13:01 Safe trip! <3
2016-03-20 14:43:51 Safe trip! <3

Safe trip! <3