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Counting the days until the end of this shitty year. Hopefully we can put it all behind us and get on with our lives ASAP.



Here's hoping you and everyone have a good holidays and 2021 is a better year all around


The year would be a TINY bit better if Stego would let me have the Miami images /sadface

David Ewell

AMEN and I heard dat!

Tygon Panthera

Happy Holidays to you as well!


They won't let that happen....however...Merry Christmas to you as well good sir!


cheers to that. See you in 2021

Manuel Wagner

you said it, you nailed it. see ya in '21 😉🤘

Michael S Marks

Good riddance 2020!! May your extremely bad luck stay in the past and may 2021 being better things, a new hope for the future, and many more sexy furry ladies!! And may stegostamp finally work properly.


Merry Christmas to you too.