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I want you all to know how grateful I am that you allow me to continue doing what I love doing. You give me the freedom to be creative and share that creativity. #feels. That's about as emotional as I can get with my raisin of a Grinch heart :)

I have sacrificed a chicken to the goddess of fire, in honor of all who support me, and after I have consumed its flesh, I will be doing a WHEEL stream. Join us and be merry!



happy turkeyday to you too, JB. and thank you for doing what you do o/

Michael S Marks

Thank you for all of the well made art work you produce. Also thanks for the offering to the great goddess of fire of the sacred winged fowl. I am sure she greatly appreciated the sacrifice. 😁Thanks again for the great art and drop dead gorgeous ladies.


You have sacrificed the chicken, I can ask for nothing more. My heart is full. Thank you for being a legend!


Mmm, sacrificed chicken!


I look forward to it! but I was Marry last time. I want to be Sasha this time... 😉

Bruce W

A most Happy Thanksgiving celebration to you too!


thank you for this warm message Jeremy, happy Thanksgiving Day


Hope you got to spend it with someone you care about.