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Just to make it all clear since it's bound to come up at some point:

  • You Decide may be considered a commission.
  • You can therefore post it on your FA page or other gallery if you like. If you do, please include a link to this Patreon page.
  • Winners will be chosen by THE WHEEL (wheeldecide.com).
  • Your name will be taken out of the list if you won the previous month's spin, to keep results more spread out and prevent back-to-back wins.
  • Keep the request to 2 characters maximum, no scat, vore, cub, hyper (you all pretty much know what I am ok with drawing, I think :))
  • If you do not respond to the notification email I send out within 3 days, I will have to spin the wheel again.



awwwyea. this'll be soo awesome >W<


So do you just put all of our names on the wheel of morality then let it turn turn turn. Or is just for those who have done the higher tier patronage.

Claudija Tzandrapova

I think it's only for those on the top levels reading the sidebar here which says: Top-level patron: Polls for ideas on what I should draw... so I think only they are on the wheel.... was wondering that myself to be honest as I'm mid-tier

Claudija Tzandrapova

Mr. Bernal just cleared it up for me, only the highest tier take part. So only those able to afford $25 a month or more get put on the wheel.

Claudija Tzandrapova

I do wish I could hop on the wheel but stuck on welfare isn't fun and I'm already subbed to Sexyfur so I can't sadly cover both of them a month *smiles* but we just know the winner is going to be happy with the fact they won a sketch from you