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Did this a couple of days ago, forgot to put it up here :) Ambar, from Chalo's Las Lindas webcomic.



Claudija Tzandrapova

Awww I think her little face is so cute, especially that smile she's got going on there. What is her species, do we know?

Claudija Tzandrapova

Is she really a bear? I thought she was too cute no offense to bears to be a bear... Weird as it sounds I thought she was a cat but then you'd have drawn in her tail if she were a fox, cat or something like that. She could be a dog like Engrid. I know Engrid is a Doberman but perhaps our cutie here could also be a short-tailed dog... just one of those curious thoughts I had *smiles*. Still can't wait to see her when you get ready to let us have her to keep and make into a PC Desktop